Guest Instructor’s Memorial
Since 1930, the Texas Fire Training School has provided educational opportunities for firefighters and first responders worldwide.
The Guest Instructors’ Memorial stands as a tribute to those volunteer instructors who have given to others the knowledge and skills they themselves spent a lifetime learning.
Each year, during the summer annual fire training schools, memorial services are held to honor those on the wall as well as guest instructors whose names will be added for the year.
A monetary donation can be made in memory of a guest instructor or any individual in lieu of flowers. Please indicate the name of the honoree and the family’s address. You will receive a “thank you” card and the individual’s family will be notified of your generous act.
Mail Your Donation To:
Guest Instructors’ Memorial
Emergency Services Training Institute
PO Box 40006
College Station, TX 77842-4006
Make Checks Payable to: Brayton Fire Instructor Memorial Donation Fund
For Credit Card Donations, Call: (866) 878-8900

Their dedication and sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Current Honorees
Grover C. Adams
John Q. Adams, Sr.
R.E. Akin
Alvin Hubert Albrecht
C.M. Alford
Adren L. Allen
Curtis Anderson
Paul L. Andrews
Augustin Armenta
John Bailey
L.V. Bailey
Ed Baker
Leo Bales
John Ballew
Ron Barker
Don R. Barnes
R.L. Barnett
Bill R. Barrett
Pat Barrett
Herby Bart
E.G. Bashforth
Howard Baughman
John W. Baumgardner
Kevin Bayens
Merwin Beamsley
H.D. Bearden
Henry Beare
W.A. Bearor
J. B. Beckham
Michael (Mickey) Belew
Gene Bell
John Bement
Victor Manual Benavente
Fred J. Benson
Hart Berwick
Leroy Biels
A.C. Black
Telsa “Bud” Nicola Blackwell
Len A. Blackwood
D. J. Blanchard
James Bland, Jr.
James Bland, Sr.
Tommy Bledsoe
F.C. Bolton
Lawrence (Larry) Bonner
J.H. Boone
Travis D. Boston, Jr.
Paul Bounds
Howard Bourque
J.W. Boyd
R.A. “Blackie” Bradford
Eddie Bramhall
D.L. Brandon
Joe Brantley
H.R. Brayton
Algie Breaux
R.H. Brewer
Curtis Brown
John T. “J.T.” Brown
H.F. Browne
John Burleson
W.G. Burns
John L. Busby
Dan M. Butler
L.O. Bynum
Joe Pat Caldwell
Jimmy “J.C” Cameron
A.G. Campa
Elvin Campbell
Bill Cantwell
Rey Carrera
Onie Carroll
A.L. “Gus” Cartwright
Joe H. Causey
M. Robert Chafin
Elias Chahin S.
Fred Lee Chambers
Odis Chappell
Jose Manuel Chavez
W. J. Childers
C.P. Churchwell
David Clabaugh
Joe W. Clark
Larry Clark
Joe Clement
H.L. “Jack” Clements
F.H. Colbert
Robert “Bob” Collins
Paul B. Conley
B.E. Cook
D.M. “Pat” Cook
Anthony Cormier, Jr.
John Cormier
Leroy Cormier
David A. Cox
Jerry Craft
C.A. Criswell
H.V. Crocker
H.G. “Blackie” Crofoot
Olin Culberson
Jose Curioca
Paul Dacke
Jeff Daigle
Jack Daines
M.D. Darrow
Clyde W. Davis
H.A. Davis
Richard N. Davis
W. J. “Jim” Davis
Marvin Dawson
D.D. Day
John Dean
Thomas Dearing
Guadalupe Delgado Saenz
H.L. Dent, Jr.
E.H. Derr
J. W. Dickerson
Hurshall Dickinson
G.F. Dohrn
Kyle Donaldson
Bob Doolittle
J.J. “Jack” Dorgan
W.B. “Cotton” Dorman
F.J. Douglas
Raye Downs, Jr.
Walter Drinkard, Jr.
J.J. Driscoll
Harold Driver
W.A. Drohan
Paul E. Duckworth
Charles E. Duffin
Jimmy Dugger
Dennis Dunham
James L. Duncan
George L. Duplant
Edward “Glenn” Durham
John Eason
J.E. “Dinks” Eckert III
Johnny Economedes
Joe Eddleman
Donald Eernisse
Wesley Eernisse
Ernest Emerson
Harold England, Jr.
Jimmy Epperson
Alfonso Esquer S.
Jody Evans
Bob Falkner
J.C. Farmer
Theo H. Felds
Rodney Fender
R.P. (Pete) Ferguson
Roger Fields
Jose Ramon Flores
A.J. Fogaley
Walter “Lee” Fort
Bobo T. Foster
Ray Foster
Tom Foster
George Fox
Elmer Frede
Donald Terry Freeman
James Fritts
Garland W. Fullbright
Frank Gallaway, Jr.
Frank Gallaway, Sr.
William Gallaway
Mario Gallegos, Sr.
Daniel Garcia
Ray Garcia
Rosendo Garcia
Jerry D. “J.D.” Gardner
Jimmy Garland
Jimmy Garner
Armando Garza
Piedro Garza
Angel Garza Sanchez
Charlie Gee
Jack W. Gentry
Ray Gibbons
Lynn Gilbert
Ray Gish
B.D. Goen
Mel Goodwin
Hubert Gorubec
J.C. Greener
Elsworth “Papa” Greer
A.F. Grief
Ed B. Gross
Wayne Greer
Charles S. Gregg
Bill Gregory
Albert Grohman
Bruce W. Guard
O.F. Guffey
John E. Hafernik
Claude Hale
J.C. Hall Jr.
Lester Hall
T.H. Haltom
L.R. Hans, Jr.
Guy Harbert
M. H. “Cotton” Harrell
L.P. Harrington
Troy Harris
J.T. Harrison
L.V. Hatfield
Lannie E. Hatton
W. “Corky” H. Havins
BR Haynes
W.G. Heath
W.L. “Bill” Heaton
Harry A. Hebert, Jr.
C.C. Hedges
W.J. Henderson
Sidney Henke
Herman Henze
Dwayne Hickman
Dayne Hill
Mike Hill
Elroy Hoffer
L. E. Hoffer
Rexford Hoffpauir
Royce Hogg
Lew F. Holland
Hal H. Hood
W.G. Horn
Morris C. Horton
Clay House
Benny Howard
Herman Howerts
Allen Huelsebusch
Jerry Dean Huffman
George M. Hughes
Bart Humphreys
J. T. Humphreys
B.S. Huron
Harold Huron
Danny Hurt
Glenn O. Hutchens
W.E. “Buddy” Irby
Paul Israel
Danny Ivy
David W. Jackson
Mark Jackson
V. O. Jahnke
Don Jenkins
Earl Craig Johnson
William R. “Bob” Johnson
L.K. Jonas
John B. Judice
Loyde Junkin
Hugh Keepers
Hugh V. Keepers
Dee Keilers
A.L. Kelley
John “Steve” Kenley
James Kennemer
John Kilpatrick
Jack Kimbriel
Ronald W. Kimbrough
Jack King
P.H. King
G.M. Kintz
Ed S. Kirkham
Charlie Knight
W. A. “Bill” Koen
Karl Kolbe
Michael R. Kraus
Stacy Kuhlmann
Dan E. Lake
Salvador Lambreton Narro
Ray Landry
Keith Langford
Mason Lankford
Robert Lannou
Jose Luis Lara-Martinez L.
Tommy Latham
W.H. Lauderback
Guy E. Lawless
Robert E. Lee
Don Leedy
Tom Pat Leggitt
Earl “A.J.” Lehman
Ron Lehman
N.G. Leonard
Fred Lerma
James E. Lewis
Raymond D. Lewis
Paul F. Lindeman
Haskin V. Little
J. Melvin Little
Vicki Lockett
Billy C. Long, Sr.
Charles Lorance
Jesse Lozano
Stuart M. Luce
J.A. Luckey
Hulon C. “Foots” Lummus
W.H. “Lefty” Lumpkin
Craig Lunn
Larry Mabra
R. D. Mace
Donald H. Maddock
Travis Maher
CJ Marks
Billy Marquis
James Martin
O.C. Martin
Leon Martin, Sr.
Isidore O. Martinez
Roy Matheny
Elmer Mathews
Gene Matthews
Larry May
Lee Mayfield
Oland E. Mays
G.G. “Bud” McDowell
Bill McFadin
Don McFarland
B. Frank McKinney
B.W. McMeen
Charles Meadows
Essa Means
Haward L. Mendez Hernández
R.E. Merchant
Bill Methner
Jack C. Methner
A.C. Miller
John L. Miller, Jr.
L.C. “Bud” Miller
Lincoln D. “Doug” Miller
Louis Miller
Tim Miskimen
James “Pistol” D. Mitchell
J. Timoteo Mojica Hernández
Michael Moninger
Pablo Montiel Flores
Joaquin Morales
Tom Morgan
James “Doug” Morris
Jim Morris
Nelson Mueller
R. Otis Muenster
Esteban Murillo Dominguez
Walter Willard Murdock, Jr.
R. E. “Bob” Murphy
Virgil W. Murry
D.C. Musick
Roger Mycue
Alfred S. Myers
Reggie Nalley
James Naylor
Clayton Neal
W.A. Neel
Harlan Nelson
J.W. Nelson
Willie R. Noel, Jr.
Ben Norman
Joe L. Norwood
Richard J. Nunn
J.M. O’Brien
Robert O’Burke
John O’Gorman
Louis Olenick
Bernard C. Olive, Jr.
Kenneth Orrell, Sr.
Edgardo Ortiz
Isidro Murillo Ortiz
Charles Page
T.H. Page
E. W. Parker
James “Jim” Parker
J.O. Parker
Ing. Enrique Gómez Parra
Ernest Patschke
E.W. “Pat” Patterson
William J. Payne
Harvey Payton
C.N. Penn
Steve Perdue
James V. Perez
Mike B. Perez, Jr.
Jerry Perkins
Harry Perry
Vergel Perry
Louis Pettigrew
Claude Phillips
Earl Phillips
Otis Phillips, Jr.
Donnie Pickard
Richard Pierce
Pamela Lenora Pilcher
James Pogue
Charles Polk Player
Johnnie Pokluda
William “Bill” Pollard
Wallace E. Pope
Murrell Porter
Harold Potts
Grover I. Powell
Leon R. Powell
W.R. “Ralph” Powell
Steele Powers
Thomas Powers
Leland Priest
Gene Puckett
Donald “Don” Pullin
Samuel L. Purtle
Odean Puryear
J.R. Quattlebaum
William “Bill” Radle, Jr.
Eduardo Ramirez
A.L. Rathke
John R. Rauch
Vernon Ray
Orville Reames
Susan Parks Reese
Tonie Louis Reynaga
Claude V. Reynolds, Jr.
Joe Rice
Bob Richardson
Bryan A. Rickert
Lawrence “Bud” Galloway Riggs
Victor Foster Rivera
Eddie Rivier
Charles “Mike” Roberts
Tom W. Robinson
Alfonso Barajas Rodriguez
Jesus F. Zagal Rodriguez
Leonardo Rodriguez
J.O. Rollins
Pablo Emit Romero Sanchez
Vernon “Blondy” Rucker
Freeman Rue
Len Rush
Richard Russell
A.H. Ryle
Elbert E. Sanders
Gary Sanders
James L. Sanders
Roy Lee Sanders
Fallehey Sandlin
Vertis Sands
Hernan G. Santamaria
Austin Sattler
R. D. Savage
Melvin Schmidt
Raymond Schulz
Steve Schultz
J.H. Schwab
Charlie Scott
Tom Sellers
Marvin Setzer
E.F. “Woody” Sevison
F. E. Shaheen III
W. R. Shannon
W.H. Sharp
L. Roy Shanks
Earl Sherley
Jack Shipley
Ralph Shirley
Maurice M. Simer
R. Roy Simmons
J.F. Simms, Jr.
Fordyce Sims
Cecil B. Sistrunk
H.C. Skaggs
W.L. “Levi” Smallwood
A.E. Smith
Brenda Smith
Clyde W. Smith
David Smith
Ernest Smith
Glenn W. Smith
Henry D. Smith
Wayne “Snuffy” Smith
Ziess Smith
R.R. Sneed
Shawn Snider
Austin Snodgrass
Adolph Solmky
Allen “Gene” Sonka
Jay Spain
Irwin Speckles
Hershell Stafford
Henry L. Stanfield
Richard Stannard
John Stasney
R.E. Stegman
David Stevenson
Charles J. Stewart
George Stewart
R.W. Stewart
Dennis St. John
Frederick Stigale
George W. Stock
J.D. Stocks
Robert Stubblefield
Jorge Suarez Perdo R.
E.C. Summer
J.C. Swadley
Tom R. Talasek
William “Bill” Tarver
E.L. “Tinker” Taylor
Jack Taylor
Ron Taylor
Donnie Teague
Norvall E. Terry
D.A. Teutsch
Don W. Theus
Robin Thigpen
James Thomas
Max Thomas
Leo Thompson
Elton Thornell
Gary Tilton
Henry Timmerman
Steve Tinberg
R.L. Trafton
Jim Treybig
Dale G. Trousdale
W.E. Twitty
Bryan Tye
J.M. “Rip” Van Winkle
John Vermillion
Joe D. Villarreal
Rosemberg Jose Villegas Aranguren
Eduardo Villegas Vieyra
W. B. “Ben” Vollbaum
E.G. “Eddie Gene? Walker
Wesley W. Wallace
Jackie Walton
T.O. Walton, Ph.D.
Billy Jack Ward
G.B. Warnstaff
Gary Warren
Tom Watson
Jerald “Jerry” Weaver
William “Bill” Wegner
Wallace A. Weinger
Bobby Welborn
Palmer West
David White
F. Jim White
James Wiggs
Ernest Wilkes
Joe Willey
Frank Williams
Jerry Williams
Leslie P. Williams
Lewis Williams
Paul R. Williams
William R. Willis
G.W. “Buck” Wilson, Jr.
Kirby Wilson, Sr.
George D. Winburn
Herbert H. Winchester
Ralph Winkler
Willie Wisko
Paul Witt
Sawyer T. Wolston
Harold Wood
James “Michael” Wood
Kenneth Woodall
Keith “Woody” Woodard
James Woods
Woody Woodson
Robert E. Wright
Charles H. Yeager
Lewis York
Carlos Humberto Zaballa
Elmer Zipp
William Zolczer
Robert Zoller
W.E. Zorn
Michael R. Zylks