Title IX
Agency Statement
In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Texas A&M System Policy 08.01.01 and TEEX Rule 08.01.01.N1, discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of sex is prohibited. TEEX does not tolerate acts of discrimination, harassment or retaliation based on a protected class. The TEEX Office of Human Resources with Strategic and Education Services are committed to protecting equal access to programs, activities, and services.
What is Title IX?
Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities at federally funded institutions. Title IX protects training participants, staff and visitors to our campuses from all forms of sex discrimination.
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and is prohibited under Title IX. Unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex (of a sexual nature or otherwise): 1) by an employee who conditions the provision of an aid, benefit, or service on an individual’s participation in that unwelcome sexual conduct; 2) determined by a reasonable person to be so severe and pervasive and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to education, programs or activities; 3) sexual assault or dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking based on sex.
The following are examples of types of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment:
- Inappropriate touching, patting, or hugging
- Nonconsensual sexual activity
- Invasion of sexual privacy
- Obscene phone calls, texts, emails, photographs, or gestures
Who and What Does Title IX Apply?
Title IX applies to all members of the educational community (students/training participants, faculty, and staff) and applies to all academic, extra-curricular, athletic, and other programs of a school or agency. This includes all the operations of the school/agency, including employment.
Policies and Definitions
System Policy 08.01, Civil Rights Protections and Compliance
System Regulation 08.01.01, Civil Rights Compliance
TEEX Rule 08.01.01.N1, Civil Rights Compliance
Privacy of Information
The Agency is committed to protecting the privacy of reporting parties, complainants, and respondents to the extend allowed by law. Given the sensitive nature of reports, information will be maintained in a secure manner and will only be disclosed to agency officials who are responsible for handling the agency’s response and/or have a legitimate educational interest.
Mandatory Reporters
According to Texas A&M System Regulation 08.01.01 and Texas State Law, all employees (except for confidential employees) who experience, observe, or become aware of alleged discrimination, harassment, or related retaliation must promptly report the incident(s) to the Designated Official at TEEX:
Mark Posada, Title IX Coordinator, (979) 458-6807
Sade Fields, Deputy Title IX Coordinator (979)-500-6596
Grievance Process
Training participants may also report sex discrimination, harassment, or related retaliation using this Civil Rights Compliant Reporting Form or [email protected]
Required Report
Supportive Measures
Complainants and Respondents may request assistance with changes to training, and work situations (i.e. postponing a test, moving your work location, or moving you to a different section of the same class).
TEEX can also support you by issuing a “No Contact” restriction so that you and the other party do not talk to each other during the investigation.
TEEX can issue a “No Contact” restriction at the request of either the Complainant or the Respondent. Once both parties have been notified of the “No Contact” restriction, all communication between the parties should cease until the restriction has been lifted. Asking another person to communicate with the other party will also be considered a violation of the restriction. If you violate the no contact restriction, TEEX may take actions against you.
If you are in a public place (such as a restaurant), and the other person arrives at the same location, you should avoid each other. If you are uncomfortable being at the same location with the other person, you should leave the premises.
Supportive requests will be considered regardless of whether the complainant chooses to file a formal complaint with the Agency or law enforcement. Supportive measures will be provided free of charge and may not unreasonably burden either party.
Counseling, health, mental health, and other services are available for complainants in the community. Click here for a list of available Student Wellness Resources