Total Rewards
As a member of the Texas A&M University System, TEEX employees enjoy a variety a benefit options.
Medical, Dental, Vision
Medical, dental and vision coverage are available to eligible employees and family members during their TEEX years, as well as after retirement. Coverage may begin when employment starts or once the state contribution is met.
Tax Advantaged Programs
One or more flexible spending accounts allow employees to use tax-free dollars toward health care and dependent day care expenses.
Life Insurance
Basic Life, Alternative Life and Optional Life insurance programs pay benefits to your beneficiary should you die while covered by the plans. In addition, Dependent Life Insurance is also available.
Vacation Leave
Hours accrue at 8 hours/month from date of hire. Accrual rate increases are based on years of service. Accumulated vacation leave may be used after 6 continuous months of state service upon supervisor approval.
Paid Holidays
Budgeted employees receive paid holidays as established by the Texas A&M University Board of Regents (ranging from 13 to 15 days per year).
Sick Leave
Budgeted full-time employees earn 8 hours per month while part-time employees earn sick leave based on the percentage of hours worked. Hours are eligible for use on the date of hire.
Sick Leave Pool (SLP)
SLP hours are eligible for use by current employees away from work for a minimum of 160 hours. Employees may donate sick leave hours at any time or upon leaving employment with the state.
Longevity Pay
For every 2 years of state service, each full-time employee receives an additional $20 monthly added to their pay.
Military Leave
Up to 15 days of leave are allowed each federal fiscal year (October – September) for active duty orders or training.
Teacher Retirement System Of Texas (TRS)
As a TEEX employee, a percentage of your pay is automatically saved to your account and the Texas A&M System contributes a percentage as set by the Texas Legislature.
Tax Deferred Accounts And Deferred Compensation Plan
In addition to TRS, you have the choice to participate in the Tax-Deferred Account (TD) program and/or the Texas$aver Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP). The A&M System keeps a list of authorized TDA vendors offering a variety of investments and various funds in which you may choose to invest.
Contact Information
Human Resources
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (979) 458-6801