Academic and Participant Conduct

Office of Student Support Services

At the Office of Student Support Services, we recognize that conflicts and concerns may arise during your The Office of Student Support Services provides comprehensive guidelines and regulations regarding Academic and Student Conduct to ensure a conducive and respectful learning environment for all members of the TEEX community. Here’s a detailed description of the Academic and Student Conduct information provided by the office:

Contact Information

[email protected]

Academic Integrity Policies

The office outlines clear policies regarding academic honesty, including plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic misconduct. It educates students on the importance of integrity in academic work and the consequences of violating these principles.

Code of Conduct

The office establishes a Code of Conduct that governs the behavior of students within TEEX. This code typically encompasses expectations for respectful interaction among students, faculty, and staff, as well as guidelines for appropriate behavior in classrooms, laboratories, Training areas, and other academic spaces.

Title IX & Civil Rights

In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Texas A&M System Policy 08.01.01 and TEEX Rule 08.01.01.N1, discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of sex is prohibited. TEEX does not tolerate acts of discrimination, harassment or retaliation based on a protected class. The TEEX Office of Human Resources with Strategic and Education Services are committed to protecting equal access to programs, activities, and services.

Academic and Participant Conduct Appeals Information

TEEX is dedicated to fostering an educational and professional environment that supports the growth of every individual. In line with this commitment, TEEX has established protocols for addressing grievances within its community. It is incumbent upon each student to familiarize themselves with and adhere to TEEX’s Student Rules. In cases where a student feels they have faced discrimination in the classroom due to their disability, faculty may play a role in the grievance procedures.

Academic Decision Appeals

To request a review of an unresolved academic decision (such as a grade on an assignment or test, skills assessment, attendance or final course completion status), use the Academic Appeal Form.

Academic Misconduct Sanction Appeals

To request a review of an academic dishonesty sanction (sanctions resulting from cheating, collusion, material destruction or plagiarism incident, such as loss of privileges, certificate revocation, probation, temporary class removal, dismissal), use the Participant Appeal Form.

Disciplinary Actions Appeals

To request a review of a disciplinary sanction (such as loss of privileges, certificate revocation, probation, temporary class removal, dismissal resulting from a violation of the Participant Code of Conduct or TEEX policies), use the Participant Appeal Form.