Brand Colors
brand guide / logo / fonts / brand colors
Color is an integral part of brand identity. Consistent use of the color palette will not only reinforce the cohesiveness of the brand, but color also serves a psychological purpose by communicating a certain feeling to our audience. Please note that the maroon CMYK values are different, depending on whether it is being used on coated or uncoated paper stock. Contact TEEX Digital Printing Services with questions regarding the color values on a chosen paper stock.
PMS 7421C
CMYK 15, 100, 39, 69
RGB 80, 0, 0
HEX 500000
PMS Cool Gray 11C
CMYK 44, 34, 22, 77
RGB 83, 86, 90
HEX 55565A
PMS 7498C
CMYK 46, 23, 84, 68
RGB 91, 98, 54
HEX 5B6236
PMS 541C
CMYK 100, 58, 9, 46
RGB 0, 60, 113
HEX 003C71
PMS 4505C
CMYK 16, 27, 83, 42
RGB 153, 133, 66
HEX 998542
PMS 7527C
CMYK 3, 4, 14, 8
RGB 214, 210, 196
Accent (to be used sparingly)
PMS 185C
CMYK 0, 95, 79, 0
RGB 228, 0, 43
HEX E4002B
PMS 102C
CMYK 0, 0, 95, 0
RGB 252, 227, 0