NFPA 1001 Structural Firefighter I (Online)
ASP601 – 72.00 Hours
FP ASP601 35 | $700.00 | Register |
This schedule is subject to change without notice. If you have not received confirmation of the class prior to the class start, please contact the division at (866) 878-8900 or [email protected] to get the latest schedule.
Course Description
This course is designed to provide the knowledge to get you started in the American fire service. It is the first of several courses that cover the objectives set forth in NFPA 1001 (2019 edition) for Firefighter Level I. This online component is to be completed by using a computer, textbook, and online supplemental material. It consists of reading assignments, online knowledge-building activities, videos, chapter quizzes and tests. The online lecture portion for Firefighter I may be completed at your own pace for up to 12 weeks. Time starts when registration is complete; NOT when you first log-in to the course. Access to the course is through your TEEX Student Portal account.
Materials for ASP601 corresponds to the 7th Edition of IFSTA’s Essentials of Firefighting; chapters 1 – 15.
The online component is just the beginning. There are many skills which must be mastered in order to complete your firefighter level I training.
Firefighter Level I skills have been divided into two associated courses. Each skills course is a week of face-to-face hands-on field-application training. You will put your online learning into practice by participating in field exercises and scenarios. See ASP602 and ASP603 for more information on Firefighter I skills.
Once you complete this course and receive training in all associated skills, you may be eligible for certification. Please check with the fire certification agency in your area to learn what qualifications are required. This course is not a Pro Board certification and cannot be converted to Pro Board. It also does not directly lead to TCFP certification.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Course Completion Requirements
Technical Requirements
In order to successfully complete this course, you should have access to computer equipment meeting the following system requirements:
- Recommended screen resolution: 1280 x 1024
- Minimum screen resolution: 1024 x 768
- Broadband or high speed internet
- Latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari web browser
- Latest version of Adobe Reader
Students Must Provide
Books – IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th Edition Manual
Clothing and Protective Equipment Requirements
- This is the online course so there are no PPE requirements.
Attendance Requirements
To meet attendance requirements, participants must review each training module and complete all required course assignments, activities, quizzes, and/or end of course exam.
Upon successful completion, you will be able to:
- Describe the culture and mission of fire and emergency services in addition to its organizational structure and regulations, policies, and procedures.
- Discuss and demonstrate processes for receiving nonemergency calls and receiving and dispatching emergency calls
- Discuss the importance and use of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) during emergency operations.
- Discuss the importance and use of the Incident Command System (ICS) during emergency operations.
- Explain how a building’s design and construction affect fire behavior and development inside the structure.
- Explain how fire science, the combustion process, and fire behavior are used to predict fire growth at a scene.
- Describe the donning and doffing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and preparing for reuse; the routine inspection, cleaning, and sanitizing of SCBA; and the processes for filling and replacing an SCBA cylinder.
- Discuss fire classifications, risks associated with each classification, and the limitations of portable fire extinguishers. Describe how to select and operate a portable fire extinguisher.
- Discuss the importance of tactical ventilation and methods.
- Discuss various building components and understand how it affects forcible entry and ventilation.
- Describe forcible entry techniques and list the various tools needed for operations.
- Describe fire hose characteristics, general care and maintenance of fire hose.
- Identify fire suppression methods for structures, vehicles, stored Class A materials, and ground cover.
- Describe how to locate and extinguish hidden fires.
Suggested Audience
This course is targeted for individual pursuing firefighter certification
Other Information
Registration Process
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service in cooperation with the Texas A&M Forest Service has aligned the payment process for annual schools with all other requests for tuition assistance under the House Bill 2604 program and TIFMAS training grants. Texas A & M Forest Service voucher number or a request ID # is no longer a valid Purchase Order number. It will be denied if used as a form of payment.
The process will follow this pattern: Registration with payment – Apply for tuition assistance & obtain TAMFS approval – Attend training – Complete the reimbursement process.
Registration with payment
Complete online registration on the TEEX website. Secure your seat in the class with payment.
You may use a credit card or organization purchase order (PO).
If you are using a purchase order, TEEX policy requires the PO to be submitted within 48 hours of registration, or the enrollment may be canceled. You may upload the PO through your student portal or email it as an attachment to [email protected].
Ensure your PO includes the following:
- Agency or company name
- Billing address
- Contact name and phone number
- Description of goods and/or services provided (for example the course number and name)
- Amount of charges
- Authorized signature
- Tax Payer ID, EIN, or FEIN. The field should be in the following format: xx-xxxxxxx.
The PO contact email needs to be either yourself or a responsible person within your organization.
If your organization is not an established TEEX customer, or if you are not sure, please include a completed W-9 with the PO.
Apply for tuition assistance & obtain approval
At least one day before the first day of class, submit a request through TAMFS FireConnect.
Helpful videos about the FireConnect process can be found here.
Attend training
Most courses have online registration notes and/or confirmation emails which will provide more details on when & where to report for class. Please pay special attention to the required PPE levels and prerequisites if applicable. Most TEEX courses require at least 80% attendance and participation, while others, such as ProBoard, require 100% attendance.
No-shows without prior written cancellation by the required date will be invoiced.
Upon successful completion of the class, you will be able to download your certificate from your TEEX Student Portal.
Complete the reimbursement process
Return to the FireConnect page and submit for reimbursement. You will be asked to upload documentation including your certificate of completion. Once all documentation is accounted for, the request(s) will be marked as Approved for Payment and reimbursement will be issued to your department.
New Annual Schools Path toward Firefighter I and II Certification
- Option A – New firefighters or those with limited training opportunities.
- Option B and B2 – Firefighters with some training but not enough to complete FFI. They get to skip ASP602 if they have documented completion of the live-fire prerequisites per NFPA 1403. The difference between B & B2 is when ASP604/605 are taken (spring/summer vs fall/winter).
- Option C – Firefighters who have completed the Firefighting Phases (1 – 3) from previous Annual Schools or have already finished Firefighter Level 1.
The online courses are now available year-round!
Payment Info
See Other Important Information below.
TEEX Policies
TEEX Participant Handbook
Conduct During Live Online Instructor-Led Courses
Testing Policy – American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Identified Disabilities
All students must follow the TEEX Student Safety Manual at all times.