Detecting and Responding to a Cyber Attack

AWR399 – 4.00 Hours


Details Buttons Dates Location Class Price Register Buttons
01/01/25 – 07/31/25 College Station, TX EC AWR399 42 Register

This schedule is subject to change without notice. If you have not received confirmation of the class prior to the class start, please contact the division at or [email protected] to get the latest schedule.

Course Description

US Flag As computers and mobile devices become a part of most people’s everyday lives, the challenges of protecting computers and mobile devices and the data on them increases. Part of protecting computers and mobile devices is understanding how to recognize when they are compromised, the steps to take to respond to compromised computers and devices, and how to recover once they have been rid of any infection. This course will introduce students to various types of cyber attacks and how to detect and respond to them in order to protect their data and information.

As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies.


  • There are no prerequisites for this course.

    Enrollment Requirements

    Participants must be U.S. citizens. A FEMA Student ID is required to register for and participate in any training provided by FEMA agencies. All FEMA training providers, registration systems, and enrollment procedures are required to use this FEMA SID, which can be obtained at the following website:; or with TEEX assistance upon arrival for class.

Course Completion Requirements

Participants are required to complete all course content and score a 70% or better on the Post-Test in order to receive a course certificate of completion.

Attendance Requirements

To meet attendance requirements, participants must review each training module and complete all required course assignments, activities, quizzes, and/or end of course exam.

Upon successful completion, you will be able to:

  • Explain malware, and how to detect and respond to it to protect computers.
  • Explain social engineering and how to respond to social engineering attacks.
  • Identify how to detect and respond to cyber attacks on their mobile devices.
  • Explain how to detect and respond to physical security threats that lead to cyber attacks.

Suggested Audience

This course is intended for any computer user seeking skills in detecting and responding to cybersecurity attacks including all federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, public, and private IT professionals. 

Continuing Education And Professional Credits

  • International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM)

Contact Information

Business & Cyber Solutions
Phone: (979) 431-4837
Email: [email protected]