Advanced Exterior Firefighting Level II
ASP201 – 36.00 Hours
Details Buttons | Dates | Location | Class | Price | Register Buttons |
07/14/25 – 07/18/25 | College Station, TX | FP ASP201 20 | $1220.00 | Register |
This schedule is subject to change without notice. If you have not received confirmation of the class prior to the class start, please contact the division at (866) 878-8900 or [email protected] to get the latest schedule.
Course Description
This course introduces you to strategy and tactics in a leadership role and examines how to implement them at the Emergency Response Team Leader level. The course activities place emphasis on a higher level of tactical decision-making necessary to safely operate effectively and efficiently with available resources.
Emphasis is placed on building high-performance teams, reading fire ground factors, using master streams to minimize personnel exposures, and increasing operational efficiencies on the firefighting scene. The course includes hands-on and practical exercises using various firefighting projects.
NFPA 1081 Industrial Exterior Fire Brigade Training or equivalent training.
Course Completion Requirements
Participants Must Provide
- a photo identification on the first day of class. See the Participant Handbook for approved forms of identification and additional guidelines.
Course Attire / Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Level 4 as described in the TEEX Student Safety Manual
Attendance Requirements
Class attendance is an essential part of the education process and participants in TEEX courses are expected to attend all class sessions and field exercises. This course requires participants to attend a minimum of 80% of the class hours as a component of successful course completion. During the course, your instructor will review any additional attendance requirements, for example a field exercise that cannot be missed
Upon successful completion, you will be able to:
- Advanced Tactical Operations
- Preplanning, Strategy, and Tactics
- Resource Management
- High-volume Water Streams
- Foam Operations
- Live-fire Evolutions
- Chemistry of Fire
Suggested Audience
All industrial emergency response personnel, including fire prevention, suppression, control, and safety personnel.
Potential attendees could include:
- Plant operators
- Plant maintenance
- Laboratory personnel
- Engineers
- Electricians/Instrumentation techs
- Security personnel
Other Information
Registration with payment
Complete online registration on the TEEX website or by selecting the “REGISTER” button above. Secure your seat in the class with payment.
You may use a credit card or organization purchase order (PO).
If you are using a purchase order, TEEX policy requires the PO to be submitted within 48 hours of registration, or the enrollment may be canceled. You may upload the PO through your student portal or email it as an attachment to [email protected].
Ensure your PO includes the following:
- Agency or company name
- Billing address
- Contact name and phone number
- Description of goods and/or services provided (for example the course number and name)
- Amount of charges
- Authorized signature
- Tax Payer ID, EIN, or FEIN. The field should be in the following format: xx-xxxxxxx.
The PO contact email needs to be either yourself or a responsible person within your organization.
If your organization is not an established TEEX customer or if you are not sure, please include a completed W-9 with the PO.
TEEX Policies
TEEX Participant Handbook
Conduct During Live Online Instructor-Led Courses
All participants must follow the TEEX Student Safety Manual at all times.