Enterprise Risk Management: A Collaborative Community Mitigation Effort

MGT307 – 8.00 Hours


Details Buttons Dates Location Class Price Register Buttons
04/29/25 – 04/29/25 Minneapolis, MN LS MGT307 4 Register
08/20/25 – 08/20/25 Albany, NY LS MGT307 3 Register
10/08/25 – 10/08/25 Bothell, WA LS MGT307 2 Register

This schedule is subject to change without notice. If you have not received confirmation of the class prior to the class start, please contact the division at (800) 423-8433 or [email protected] to get the latest schedule.

Course Description

US FlagThis course introduces enterprise risk management (ERM) to organizations by providing a structured and comprehensive approach to identifying, assessing, managing, and mitigating risks that can impact the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives. Given the complexity of risks faced by higher education institutions, specialized ERM training is essential. This training equips staff and administrators with the skills to implement effective risk management strategies tailored to the education sector. ERM allows organizations to view risk holistically, considering all potential risks across different areas of the business. This approach helps organizations identify interdependencies between risks and make informed decisions that take into account the broader impact on the organization’s goals.

Successful completion of the course will provide community leaders and first responders with the ability to conduct an annual risk assessment.

This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for course #7821.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Enrollment Requirements

Participants must be U.S. citizens. A FEMA Student ID is required to register for and participate in any training provided by FEMA agencies. All FEMA training providers, registration systems, and enrollment procedures are required to use this FEMA SID, which can be obtained at the following website: https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid; or with TEEX assistance upon arrival for class.

Course Completion Requirements

Participants are required to score a 70% or better on the Post-Test and attend 80% of the course hours in order to receive a course certificate of completion.

Participant Must Provide

  • A photo identification on the first day of class. See the Participant Handbook for approved forms of identification and additional guidelines.
  • Laptop or tablet

Attendance Requirements

Class attendance is an essential part of the education process, and participants in TEEX courses are expected to attend all class sessions and field exercises. The course requires participants to attend a minimum of 80% of the class hours as a component of successful course completion. During the course, your instructor will review any additional attendance requirement, for example a field exercise that cannot be missed.

Participants in a TCOLE credit course must complete the class in its entirety to receive TCOLE credit.

Upon successful completion, you will be able to:

  • Explain the benefits of enterprise risk management as they relate to institutions of higher education.
  • Explain strategies that can be leveraged to reduce the impact of operational risk on an institution of higher education’s ongoing management processes.
  • Explain strategies that can be leveraged to reduce the impact of financial risk on an institution of higher education’s ongoing management processes.
  • Explain strategies that can be leveraged to reduce the impact of strategic risk on an institution of higher education’s ongoing management processes.
  • Explain strategies that can be leveraged to reduce the impact of compliance risk on an institution of higher education’s ongoing management processes.
  • Explain strategies that can be leveraged to reduce the impact of reputational risk on an institution of higher education’s ongoing management processes.
  • Explain the role of an ERM Committee in identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that could impact an institution of higher education.

Suggested Audience

  • Campus Leadership, Risk Managers, and Insurance Staff
  • Campus Communications and Marketing
  • Campus Emergency Management and Public Safety
  • Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Staff
  • Campus Administration
  • Athletic Departments and Operators of Arenas/Venues
  • Campus Environmental Health and Safety
  • Campus Health Services
  • Student Life/Affairs and International Affairs/Travel
  • Human Resources
  • Auditors, Policy, and Compliance Staff
  • Academic Affairs
  • Local and State Emergency Management Agencies
  • Fire and Emergency Medical Services
  • Local, State, Tribal, and Federal Law Enforcement
  • Local Elected Officials
  • Public Health Organizations and Local Hospitals
  • Public Works
  • Private-Sector Businesses in/near the Community

Continuing Education And Professional Credits

Note: Live Online Instructor-Led (webinar) courses are not eligible for TCOLE credit.

  • 8.00 hours – Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE)

Other Information

  • For deliveries on, or after, January 3, 2022, participants enrolled in an in-person, classroom-based course delivery will need access to a laptop or mobile device/tablet during the class session to complete course testing and evaluations electronically.
  • Participants enrolled in a TEEX-Instructor Led Webinar must have access to a laptop or mobile device/tablet during the class session to participate in all course sessions as well as complete course testing and evaluations electronically.

Government Programs

Contact Information

Law Enforcement and Protective Services
Phone: (979) 845-6677 | Toll-Free: (800) 423-8433
Email: [email protected]