Confined Space Entry

WWW202 – 20.00 Hours


Details Buttons Dates Location Class Price Register Buttons
06/03/25 – 06/05/25 Deer Park, TX EU WWW202 294 $1100.00 Register

This schedule is subject to change without notice. If you have not received confirmation of the class prior to the class start, please contact the division at (800) 723-3811 or (800) SAFE-811 or [email protected] to get the latest schedule.

Course Description

**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):

– Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License

– Wastewater Operator License

– Water Operator License

Confined Space Entry The Confined Space Entry course utilizes the TEEX Mobile Confined Space Safety Trailer to provide students with hands-on training opportunities designed to help each perform confined space entry, assist workers with entry, or supervise employees assigned to make entry. In addition to learning the proper procedures for entering a confined space, participants will be able to better determine if entry into a confined space is permitted. During this training, students will have access to a 38-foot, OSHA compliant, self-contained mobile training unit. Scenario assignments will cover the procedures for testing potential atmospheric hazards, proper application of personal protective equipment, applicable safety equipment, safe performance of work in a confined space, the successful exit of a confined space, and non-entry rescue issues.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Completion Requirements

Course Attire/PPE

Participants will be required to wear a full body harness and properly utilize self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) during entry exercises.

Physical Requirements

Participants will be required to enter a confined space and conduct physical tasks under simulated hazardous conditions. In order to successfully complete these exercises, participants should be aware of any medical and/or physical limitations that might prevent them from participating in such activities.

Participant Must Provide

A photo identification on the first day of class. See the Participant Handbook for approved forms of identification and additional guidelines.

Attendance Requirements

Class attendance is an essential part of the education process and participants in TEEX courses are expected to attend all class sessions and field exercises. This course requires participants to attend a minimum of 100% of the class hours as a component of successful course completion. During the course, your instructor will review any additional attendance requirements, for example a field exercise that cannot be missed.

Upon successful completion, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the components of the confined space standards.
  • Discuss the four categories of confined space hazards.
  • Describe the working conditions of a hazardous atmosphere.
  • Discuss the operation of safety equipment used in confined spaces.
  • Describe rescue training with emphasis on first aid.
  • Demonstrate skills necessary for permit-required confined space entry.

Suggested Audience

This course is designed for anyone who is required to enter into and perform work within a confined space.

Continuing Education And Professional Credits

  • 20.00 hours – Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

Contact Information

Infrastructure Training & Safety Institute
OSHA Training Institute Education Center
Phone: | Toll-Free: (800) 723-3811 or (800) SAFE-811
Email: [email protected]