23 new peace officers graduate from Central Texas Police Academy

COLLEGE STATION — Twenty-three new peace officers graduated from the Central Texas Police Academy on Dec. 7, after 18 weeks of comprehensive classroom and hands-on training conducted by the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) at the RELLIS Campus in Bryan.
The graduation ceremony was held at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center at Texas A&M University, and the keynote speaker was Lt. Jeff Owles of the Texas Ranger Division in Houston.
The 163rd Basic Peace Officer Class began on Aug. 6, tackling topics that ranged from criminal investigations and arrest procedures to firearms and defensive tactics, as well as Texas law and emergency driving techniques.
At the ceremony, guests were welcomed by TEEX Interim Director Charley Todd, and the graduates were addressed by Academy Training Manager Lee Santo. Dr. John M. Ray, Division Director of the Institute for Law Enforcement and Protective Services Excellence, presented class awards, and Training Manager Larry Frye awarded the graduation certificates.
Class Valedictorian was Joshua Rahmani with the college Station Fire Department and Salutatorian was John Alger, with the College Station Police Department.
Most of the new officers have begun their duties with area police departments in College Station, Giddings, Franklin and Texas A&M University, as well as with the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, Brazos County Sheriff’s Office, Grimes County Sheriff’s Office, Washington County Sheriff’s Office and Leon County Sheriff’s Office.
Other members of the academy staff are Kyle McNew, Joe Klinkovsky IV, Justin Leeth, Michael Clark, Courtney Reynolds, Robin Crawford, David Church and Larry Scott. Guest instructors were also recognized.
About the Central Texas Police Academy
The Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) operates the Central Texas Police Academy, which began in 1953 as the Texas Municipal Police School. The Academy’s Basic Peace Officer Course is conducted by the Institute for Law Enforcement and Protective Services Excellence at the Texas A&M University System’s RELLIS Campus in Bryan, Texas. Through an agreement with Blinn College, cadets who complete the TEEX Basic Peace Officer Course can earn 20 hours of college credit toward an Associate in Applied Science degree.