Texas A&M Task Force 1 and 2 deployed for severe weather, potential flooding

COLLEGE STATION — The Texas Division of Emergency Management has deployed Texas A&M Task Force 1 (TX-TF1) water rescue squads and Helicopter Search and Rescue Technicians along with TX-TF2 Urban Search and Rescue team to assist local jurisdictions impacted by the severe weather and flooding occurring across the state.
Areas from the Panhandle to Deep East Texas have seen heavy rain since early this week and forecasts predict additional rainfall through the rest of the week and into this weekend. Minor to moderate flooding is already occurring along a number of major rivers in the state, including the Brazos, Neches, Sabine, and the Trinity Rivers.
Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered the Texas State Operations Center (SOC) in Austin to elevate its readiness level to level III (increased readiness) for this weather event. TX-TF1 has an Agency Liaison Officer in the SOC, along with a SAR (Search and Rescue) Overhead Team in College Station.
The Task Force members will work with state response partners from the Texas Military Department, the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, and the Texas Department of Transportation, which have also mobilized resources across the state to support communities impacted by this ongoing severe weather and flooding.
Texans are encouraged to follow these safety tips:
- When severe storms threaten, the safest place to be is indoors.
- Avoid areas already flooded and avoid any fast-flowing water.
- Be extremely cautious of any water on roads or in creeks, streams, storm drains, or other areas — never attempt to cross flowing streams or drive across flooded roadways and always observe road barricades placed for your protection. Remember: Turn Around, Don’t Drown. Dangerous waters can seem deceptively calm, and if you encounter flooding, move to higher ground.
- Keep in mind that flood dangers are even harder to recognize at night.
- Stay informed by monitoring weather radios and news broadcasts for updated information on current and anticipated severe weather in your area.
About Texas Task Force 1
TX-TF1 is sponsored by the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), a member of The Texas A&M University System. The Task Force has deployed over 150 times since 1997, including the Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy, Sept. 11th World Trade Center attack, and Hurricanes Harvey, Katrina, Rita and Ike. TX-TF1 can be activated by the Texas Division of Emergency Management or as one of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) 28 sanctioned urban search and rescue teams.
Texas Task Force 1 Website: https://texastaskforce1.org/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/txtf1
For more information, please contact:
Stephen Bjune
TX-TF1 Public Information Officer
[email protected]