Incident Command System | MGT314 | Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command | The Enhanced Incident Management/Unified Command for All Hazards course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness skills using a computer-driven training simulation designed to create a challenging decision-making environment in an expanding complex incident.The course focuses on the processes used in an Incident Command Post (ICP) and the key decision-making requirements within that response node. Command and coordination, resource management, and communications & information management are emphasized. Participants learn from the cause and effects of incident decisions while performing in an ICP and responding to a variety of simulated, notional exercises.The course is delivered (resident) at the National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response. The course uses a multi-disciplinary approach to accomplish the course objectives. Each participant is integrated into a unified command structure responding to a simulated incident. The course emphasizes the application of contemporary incident management systems, best practices and procedures to the unique requirements of responding to all-hazards incidents.The incident management structure used in the course is based on National Incident Management System (NIMS) doctrine and the Incident Command System (ICS), and is certified by the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) National Training and Education Division (NTED). Master Course Schedule Show lessThe Enhanced Incident Management/Unified Command for All Hazards course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness skills using a computer-driven training simulation designed to create a challenging decision-making environment in an… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command |
Incident Command System | MGT347 | Incident Command System (ICS) Forms Review | Learn about, complete and utilize most common Incident Command System (ICS) forms. The course will prepare you to work with the ICS Forms used in the Incident Command Planning process to assist in developing an Incident Action Plan (IAP).You will be introduced to the forms and will practice how to develop and write effective objectives to manage an expanding all-hazards incident. Participants will learn and experience the benefits of using the forms responding to emergencies or managing planned events. Show lessLearn about, complete and utilize most common Incident Command System (ICS) forms. The course will prepare you to work with the ICS Forms used in the Incident Command Planning process to assist in developing an Incident Action Plan (IAP).You will be introduced to the forms and will… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Incident Command System (ICS) Forms Review |
Incident Command System | MGT904 | Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents | Building on the prerequisite ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses, this ICS 300 course focuses on the Incident Command System (ICS) for supervisors in expanding incidents. ICS 300 outlines how the NIMS Command and Coordination component supports the management of expanding incidents as well as describes the incident management processes as prescribed by ICS. This course has a threaded activity that will give students the opportunity to practice implementing the incident management process and creating an Incident Action Plan (IAP) for a simulated expanding incident. Show lessBuilding on the prerequisite ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses, this ICS 300 course focuses on the Incident Command System (ICS) for supervisors in expanding incidents. ICS 300 outlines how the NIMS Command and Coordination component supports the management of expanding incidents as well as… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents |
Incident Command System | MGT905 | Advanced Incident Command System for Complex Incidents, ICS-400 | ICS-400 is intended for an audience of experienced responders and other senior emergency management personnel or those who may perform in a management capacity for major or complex incidents. Although this is an advanced ICS course and includes creation of Area Command, it is not intended to develop mastery of area command. This course aims to expose students to the concepts of utilizing area command in major and complex incidents. Show lessICS-400 is intended for an audience of experienced responders and other senior emergency management personnel or those who may perform in a management capacity for major or complex incidents. Although this is an advanced ICS course and includes creation of Area Command, it is not intended to… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Advanced Incident Command System for Complex Incidents, ICS-400 |
Incident Command System | MGT906 | Incident Command System (ICS) Curricula, Train-the-Trainer | Enhance your instructional skills and prepare to deliver (FEMA’s Incident Command Systems (ICS) curriculum. While ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses are addressed, the major emphasis is on ICS-300 and ICS-400.You will learn from training professionals how to use adult learning techniques to get the best out of the classes you teach. You will develop a training module during the course. Show lessEnhance your instructional skills and prepare to deliver (FEMA’s Incident Command Systems (ICS) curriculum. While ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses are addressed, the major emphasis is on ICS-300 and ICS-400.You will learn from training professionals how to use adult learning techniques to get… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Incident Command System (ICS) Curricula, Train-the-Trainer |
Incident Management | MGT307 | Enterprise Risk Management: A Collaborative Community Mitigation Effort | This course introduces enterprise risk management (ERM) to organizations by providing a structured and comprehensive approach to identifying, assessing, managing, and mitigating risks that can impact the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives. Given the complexity of risks faced by higher education institutions, specialized ERM training is essential. This training equips staff and administrators with the skills to implement effective risk management strategies tailored to the education sector. ERM allows organizations to view risk holistically, considering all potential risks across different areas of the business. This approach helps organizations identify interdependencies between risks and make informed decisions that take into account the broader impact on the organization’s goals.Successful completion of the course will provide community leaders and first responders with the ability to conduct an annual risk assessment.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for course #7821. Show lessThis course introduces enterprise risk management (ERM) to organizations by providing a structured and comprehensive approach to identifying, assessing, managing, and mitigating risks that can impact the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives. Given the complexity of risks faced… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | LAW | Learn More about Enterprise Risk Management: A Collaborative Community Mitigation Effort |
Incident Management | MGT314 | Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command | The Enhanced Incident Management/Unified Command for All Hazards course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness skills using a computer-driven training simulation designed to create a challenging decision-making environment in an expanding complex incident.The course focuses on the processes used in an Incident Command Post (ICP) and the key decision-making requirements within that response node. Command and coordination, resource management, and communications & information management are emphasized. Participants learn from the cause and effects of incident decisions while performing in an ICP and responding to a variety of simulated, notional exercises.The course is delivered (resident) at the National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response. The course uses a multi-disciplinary approach to accomplish the course objectives. Each participant is integrated into a unified command structure responding to a simulated incident. The course emphasizes the application of contemporary incident management systems, best practices and procedures to the unique requirements of responding to all-hazards incidents.The incident management structure used in the course is based on National Incident Management System (NIMS) doctrine and the Incident Command System (ICS), and is certified by the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) National Training and Education Division (NTED). Master Course Schedule Show lessThe Enhanced Incident Management/Unified Command for All Hazards course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness skills using a computer-driven training simulation designed to create a challenging decision-making environment in an… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command |
Incident Management | MGT346 | EOC O&P All-Hazards Events | This course provides personnel who could be assigned to or work in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) the skills necessary to effectively plan for and manage a large-scale incidents by applying and implementing an all-hazards, multi-disciplinary, management team approach. The course places specific emphasis on the planning, resource, and information management processes.
The course focuses on the key decision-making requirements within the Emergency Operations Center. The jurisdictional team will learn from the effects of incident decisions while working in an EOC using a simulated, notional jurisdiction as they respond to the final day’s exercise.
The course is delivered in your jurisdiction. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response. The course uses a multi-discipline, jurisdictional approach to accomplish the course objectives. The course adapts existing incident management systems, best practices and procedures to the unique requirements of responding to all-hazards incident. Show lessThis course provides personnel who could be assigned to or work in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) the skills necessary to effectively plan for and manage a large-scale incidents by applying and implementing an all-hazards, multi-disciplinary, management team approach. The course places… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about EOC O&P All-Hazards Events |
Incident Management | MGT361 | Crisis Management Affecting Institutions of Higher Education: A Collaborative | Is your campus prepared? This course trains higher education campus and community members, and others involved in crisis management duties and responsibilities to effectively manage a crisis by applying a whole community approach. Risk management strategies, effective crisis communication, and a series of well-developed plans as described in the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) are emphasized. The course utilizes case studies and activities to aid participants in recognizing potential gaps in their current crisis management program and concludes with a practical application, simulated role-play exercise.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT361 Managing Critical Incidents Higher Education course #78402. Show lessIs your campus prepared? This course trains higher education campus and community members, and others involved in crisis management duties and responsibilities to effectively manage a crisis by applying a whole community approach. Risk management strategies, effective crisis communication, and… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | LAW | Learn More about Crisis Management Affecting Institutions of Higher Education: A Collaborative |
Incident Management | MGT404 | Sports and Special Events Incident Management | This course emphasizes the unique aspects of response to an incident occurring during a sports/special event, including considerations for business continuity and after-action activities. You will learn the skills necessary to effectively manage an incident by applying and implementing a multi-disciplinary management team approach as described in the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
The course is designed to help develop athletic department staff, facility management personnel, campus public safety personnel, emergency response supervisors, and others involved in sports/special event management to better manage incidents that could occur during an event.
At the end of the course a practical application exercise can be customized to your facility where the course is held.
This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC). Show lessThis course emphasizes the unique aspects of response to an incident occurring during a sports/special event, including considerations for business continuity and after-action activities. You will learn the skills necessary to effectively manage an incident by applying and implementing a… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Sports and Special Events Incident Management |
Incident Management | MGT440 | Enhanced Sports and Special Events Incident Management | This scenario-based course provides the opportunity to learn and implement policy-level decision-making and incident management alongside industry experts during multiple simulated events. These All-Hazard, simulation-supported emergency response exercises are designed to hone individual and team skills through the perspective of the Incident Command Post, Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and Policy Group. The course uses a multi-disciplinary, team-building approach designed to give participants the skills to safely manage an expanding incident, whether natural, human-caused, or technological, within the context of sports and special events.This course represents a cooperative effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service’s National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (TEEX/NERRTC), a member of the Texas A&M University System Show lessThis scenario-based course provides the opportunity to learn and implement policy-level decision-making and incident management alongside industry experts during multiple simulated events. These All-Hazard, simulation-supported emergency response exercises are designed to hone individual and… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Enhanced Sports and Special Events Incident Management |
Incident Management | PER353 | Active Shooter Incident Management (24 hour) | This course provides a model framework to improve incident management and the integration of law enforcement, fire and EMS, public safety communications, public information officers, and emergency management responders during active shooter event response, improving time to threat neutralization, medical intervention, and survivability of victims. This is an integrated response course for a cross-discipline audience. The framework utilizes the Active Shooter Incident Management Checklist(TM), a validated and recognized National Standard for active shooter event response, integrating best practices guided by principles of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC), and Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT). Participants will learn organizational building blocks for an integrated response including Contact Team, Rescue Task Force, Tactical, Perimeter, Triage, Transport, Intelligence, and Reunification through progressively challenging full-length Active Shooter Event functional exercises utilizing the multi-responder NIMSPro TM 3D virtual reality simulator in multiple response roles. The course also introduces participants to Complex Coordinated Attacks (CCA) which includes the complexities of improvised explosive devices; an attacker who becomes static, barricades, or takes hostages; and a multi-modal CCA. Show lessThis course provides a model framework to improve incident management and the integration of law enforcement, fire and EMS, public safety communications, public information officers, and emergency management responders during active shooter event response, improving time to threat… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | NERRTC | Learn More about Active Shooter Incident Management (24 hour) |