Infrastructure Disaster Management

The TEEX Infrastructure Disaster Management certificate is designed for professionals who wish to enrich their personal knowledge and skills related to critical infrastructure disaster management and resilience while earning International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

This certificate program combines a broad understanding of homeland security infrastructure disaster management doctrine with an in-depth examination of key critical infrastructure sector concepts and practices in integrated risk management, capabilities-based and community-focused planning, and whole community resilience strategies focused on four critical sectors of the community infrastructure.

Once all four courses have been completed, participants must complete the Infrastructure Disaster Management Certificate Request Form and return it to the TEEX Infrastructure Training and Safety Institute division to receive their Certificate.

For additional information, download the program flier.

Required Courses:

Participants must successfully complete all four DHS-certified courses listed below:

  • Disaster Management for Public Services and Public Works (MGT317)
  • Disaster Preparedness for Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations within the Community Infrastructure (MGT341)
  • Disaster Management for Electric Power Systems (MGT345)
  • Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities (MGT343)
Infrastructure Disaster Mangaement Cert

Category Course # Course Title Description Funding Options & Delivery Types Division Learn More Buttons
Infrastructure Disaster Management MGT317 Disaster Management for Public Services and Public Works
Public services and public works play a vital role in disaster management. Public services safeguard communities and minimize the impacts of incidents. The mission of public works agencies across the country is to construct, maintain, and protect our Nation’s public infrastructure and facilities. Consequently, disaster management efforts need to be integrated between critical infrastructure, emergency management, and support personnel. Clear communication and coordination between utilities, transportation, fire, public safety, city planning/urban development, public health, and local, state, and federal emergency management officials ensure an effective and resilient response and recovery.The Disaster Management for Public Services and Public Works course brings together representatives from public service and public works agencies who are expected to identify and mitigate hazards and plan and manage disaster response and recovery efforts within their jurisdictions. Participants work together in multidisciplinary teams to apply the course information with their professional experience in a variety of hands-on, small group activities, and disaster scenarios. Show less
Public services and public works play a vital role in disaster management. Public services safeguard communities and minimize the impacts of incidents. The mission of public works agencies across the country is to construct, maintain, and protect our Nation’s public infrastructure and…
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Infrastructure Disaster Management MGT341 Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Orgs within the Community Infrastructure
The Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Organizations Within The Community Infrastructure course provides information specific to healthcare organizations vulnerability to a disaster. During this FEMA sponsored course, participants will be introduced to the various natural, technological, and civil hazards to which healthcare organizations may be vulnerable and the potential impacts of those hazards.
Federal guidelines and legislation that serve to aid in the preparedness for, and response to, incidents involving these hazards are discussed, as are current emergency management standards for the healthcare community. Participants review response and recovery issues that should be addressed by medical facilities and organizations in preparation for a large-scale incident, including identification of critical resources necessary for response and recovery. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Organizations Within The Community Infrastructure course provides information specific to healthcare organizations vulnerability to a disaster. During this FEMA sponsored course, participants will be introduced to the various natural, technological, and…
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Infrastructure Disaster Management MGT343 Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities
The Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities course is designed to provide training to water and wastewater professionals on issues concerning preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural or human-caused disasters that threaten water and wastewater facilities and systems.
The Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities course is designed to provide training to water and wastewater professionals on issues concerning preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural or human-caused disasters that threaten water and wastewater facilities and
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Infrastructure Disaster Management MGT345 Disaster Management for Electric Power Systems
The Disaster Management for Electric Power Systems course is designed to provide training to electric power systems managers and employees in order to prevent, protect and mitigate against, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, human-caused, and technological disasters affecting electric power facilities and systems. Show less
The Disaster Management for Electric Power Systems course is designed to provide training to electric power systems managers and employees in order to prevent, protect and mitigate against, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, human-caused, and technological…
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