Critical Infrastructure Protection | AWR213 | Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness | This course will introduce participants to the key terms, policy, guidance, and preparedness efforts required to safeguard the Nation’s critical infrastructure. Participants will discuss the risk management framework, describe Federal critical infrastructure security and resilience and information sharing programs, and relate critical infrastructure programs to individual actions. Focus will be placed on local preparedness efforts as they relate to the national approach to critical infrastructure security and resilience, enabling stakeholders to address local planning within a common framework. Informed planning is consistent with accepted emergency management standards as the basis for planning across the mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.Individuals completing this course in combination with MGT310, MGT315, MGT414, and MGT452 are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for AWR213 Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness course #78408. Show lessThis course will introduce participants to the key terms, policy, guidance, and preparedness efforts required to safeguard the Nation’s critical infrastructure. Participants will discuss the risk management framework, describe Federal critical infrastructure security and resilience and… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | LAW | Learn More about Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness |
Critical Infrastructure Protection | AWR376 | Understanding Targeted Cyber Attacks | This course provides participants with specific information regarding targeted cyber attacks, including advanced persistent threats. This information will place them in a better position to plan and prepare for, respond to, and recover from targeted cyber attacks. This course will fill the gap in threat-specific training for cybersecurity as a community-driven course that focuses on the phases of targeted cyber attacks and the attacker methods used during each phase. Participants will also receive valuable information on cyber attack prevention, mitigation and response.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show lessThis course provides participants with specific information regarding targeted cyber attacks, including advanced persistent threats. This information will place them in a better position to plan and prepare for, respond to, and recover from targeted cyber attacks. This course will fill the gap… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | BCS | Learn More about Understanding Targeted Cyber Attacks |
Critical Infrastructure Protection | MGT303 | Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment | The Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment course is designed to address specific technical and professional skills needed to assess, document, remediate, and report on cybersecurity vulnerability assessments within organizations through a series of lectures and hands-on activities. Activities include examining, analyzing, and prioritizing assets, risks, and vulnerabilities to develop a vulnerability assessment report that could be delivered to organizational leadership. This course utilizes active discussions and activities to extend the participant’s understanding of vulnerability assessments. Show lessThe Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment course is designed to address specific technical and professional skills needed to assess, document, remediate, and report on cybersecurity vulnerability assessments within organizations through a series of lectures and hands-on activities. Activities… Show more | Face-to-Face | BCS | Learn More about Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment |
Critical Infrastructure Protection | MGT414 | Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Community Lifelines | In this course participants will learn how to develop a roadmap for progress toward the National Preparedness Goal by facilitating the development of resilience considerations and involving essential community critical infrastructure partners. Participants will learn how to formulate considerations for the resilience of community assets that leverage cross-sector partnerships. These considerations enhance the whole community’s ability to manage the risk associated with critical infrastructure protection efforts. Participants will have an opportunity to practice the practical skills necessary to formulate considerations in the local community.Individuals completing this course in combination with AWR213, MGT310, MGT315, and MGT452 are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT414 Advanced Critical Infrastructure Protection course #78400. Show lessIn this course participants will learn how to develop a roadmap for progress toward the National Preparedness Goal by facilitating the development of resilience considerations and involving essential community critical infrastructure partners. Participants will learn how to formulate… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | LAW | Learn More about Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Community Lifelines |
Critical Infrastructure Protection | MGT452 | Physical and Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure | The national and economic security of the United States depends on the reliable functioning of critical infrastructure. This course encourages collaboration efforts among individuals and organizations responsible for both physical and cybersecurity toward development of integrated risk management strategies that lead to enhanced capabilities necessary for the protection of our Nation’s critical infrastructure.
Participants will identify physical and cybersecurity concerns impacting overall infrastructure security posture, examine integrated physical and cybersecurity incidents and the evolving risks and impacts they pose to critical infrastructure, and explore resources that can be applied to improve security within an organization, business, or government entity.
Individuals completing this course in combination with AWR213, MGT310, MGT315, and MGT414 are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT452 Physical and Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructure course #78401. Show lessThe national and economic security of the United States depends on the reliable functioning of critical infrastructure. This course encourages collaboration efforts among individuals and organizations responsible for both physical and cybersecurity toward development of integrated risk… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | NERRTC | Learn More about Physical and Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure |
Critical Infrastructure Protection | PER371 | Cybersecurity Incident Response and Management | Cybersecurity has become one of the nation’s most serious challenges today. The US Department of Homeland Security’s 2022 National Preparedness Report (NPR) highlighted the emerging threats of compromised digital network infrastructures to both private and government sectors and to our communities. According to the 2022 NPR, SLTT governments and the private sector will experience an array of cyber-enabled threats designed to access sensitive information, steal money, force ransom payments, cause service disruptions, and even impact the health of people living in the United States. This increase in cyber threats and attacks makes it critical for technology personnel, risk managers, and emergency managers to understand how to work together to respond to cybersecurity incidents. The Cybersecurity Incident Response and Management course utilizes NIST 800-61r2 to introduce participants to the cyber incident lifecycle. Through the use of a cyber range, participants will acquire hands-on experience responding to simulated, real-world cyber attacks and gain a better understanding of the importance of information sharing during cyber incidents. The course will also integrate the Incident Command System (ICS) into the cyber incident response process to provide the public and private sectors with a framework for a more effective response. Future Class Dates:Jan 27-31, 2025 – FULLFeb 17-21, 2025 – FULLMar 24-28, 2025 – FULLMay 12-16, 2025 – FULLJune 16-20, 2025 – FULLAug 11-15, 2025Sept 15-29, 2025Oct 13-17, 2025Nov 10-14, 2025Dec 1-5, 2025 Show lessCybersecurity has become one of the nation’s most serious challenges today. The US Department of Homeland Security’s 2022 National Preparedness Report (NPR) highlighted the emerging threats of compromised digital network infrastructures to both private and government sectors and to our… Show more | Face-to-Face | BCS | Learn More about Cybersecurity Incident Response and Management |
Critical Infrastructure Protection | PER398 | Cybersecurity Resiliency in Industrial Control Systems | The Cybersecurity Resiliency in Industrial Control Systems course is designed to enhance understanding of the critical nature of Industrial Control System environments and the associated risks, threats, and defenses within an organization, business, or government entity. This course will introduce the convergence of physical security with cybersecurity, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), and Industrial Control Systems security, increase awareness of the Internet of Things and Industrial Control Systems, and examine the threat landscape within Industrial Control Systems. Cyber threat mitigation techniques will be examined as well as methods of identifying cyber attacks and vulnerabilities. Tools to respond to and recover from cyber attacks on Industrial Control Systems will be addressed. State, local, regional, tribal, and territorial government officials; owners and operators of businesses and non-profits; and community members and other individuals interested in developing a greater understanding of developing cybersecurity resiliency in ICS.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show lessThe Cybersecurity Resiliency in Industrial Control Systems course is designed to enhance understanding of the critical nature of Industrial Control System environments and the associated risks, threats, and defenses within an organization, business, or government entity. This course will… Show more | Face-to-Face | BCS | Learn More about Cybersecurity Resiliency in Industrial Control Systems |
Disaster Management | MGT317 | Disaster Management for Public Services and Public Works | Public services and public works play a vital role in disaster management. Public services safeguard communities and minimize the impacts of incidents. The mission of public works agencies across the country is to construct, maintain, and protect our Nation’s public infrastructure and facilities. Consequently, disaster management efforts need to be integrated between critical infrastructure, emergency management, and support personnel. Clear communication and coordination between utilities, transportation, fire, public safety, city planning/urban development, public health, and local, state, and federal emergency management officials ensure an effective and resilient response and recovery.The Disaster Management for Public Services and Public Works course brings together representatives from public service and public works agencies who are expected to identify and mitigate hazards and plan and manage disaster response and recovery efforts within their jurisdictions. Participants work together in multidisciplinary teams to apply the course information with their professional experience in a variety of hands-on, small group activities, and disaster scenarios. Show lessPublic services and public works play a vital role in disaster management. Public services safeguard communities and minimize the impacts of incidents. The mission of public works agencies across the country is to construct, maintain, and protect our Nation’s public infrastructure and… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Disaster Management for Public Services and Public Works |
Disaster Management | MGT341 | Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Orgs within the Community Infrastructure | The Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Organizations Within The Community Infrastructure course provides information specific to healthcare organizations vulnerability to a disaster. During this FEMA sponsored course, participants will be introduced to the various natural, technological, and civil hazards to which healthcare organizations may be vulnerable and the potential impacts of those hazards.
Federal guidelines and legislation that serve to aid in the preparedness for, and response to, incidents involving these hazards are discussed, as are current emergency management standards for the healthcare community. Participants review response and recovery issues that should be addressed by medical facilities and organizations in preparation for a large-scale incident, including identification of critical resources necessary for response and recovery. Show lessThe Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Organizations Within The Community Infrastructure course provides information specific to healthcare organizations vulnerability to a disaster. During this FEMA sponsored course, participants will be introduced to the various natural, technological, and… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Orgs within the Community Infrastructure |
Disaster Management | MGT342 | Strategic Overview of Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities | This course was designed to provide an overview of disaster management for water and wastewater professionals who only require a general or introductory level of disaster management training. This course will present information regarding preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural or human-caused disasters that threaten water and wastewater facilities and systems. Show lessThis course was designed to provide an overview of disaster management for water and wastewater professionals who only require a general or introductory level of disaster management training. This course will present information regarding preparing for, responding to, and recovering from… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Strategic Overview of Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities |
Disaster Management | MGT343 | Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities | The Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities course is designed to provide training to water and wastewater professionals on issues concerning preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural or human-caused disasters that threaten water and wastewater facilities and systems. The Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities course is designed to provide training to water and wastewater professionals on issues concerning preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural or human-caused disasters that threaten water and wastewater facilities and | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities |
Disaster Management | MGT345 | Disaster Management for Electric Power Systems | The Disaster Management for Electric Power Systems course is designed to provide training to electric power systems managers and employees in order to prevent, protect and mitigate against, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, human-caused, and technological disasters affecting electric power facilities and systems. Show lessThe Disaster Management for Electric Power Systems course is designed to provide training to electric power systems managers and employees in order to prevent, protect and mitigate against, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, human-caused, and technological… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Disaster Management for Electric Power Systems |
Disaster Management | MGT481 | Disaster Recovery: A Strategic Overview of the Public Assistance Process | This Disaster Recovery course provides a strategic overview of the FEMA Public Assistance Process that is essential to disaster recovery for local communities. The FEMA Public Assistance Process provides funding for local governments and eligible Private Non-Profit organizations to conduct effective long-term recovery. Unfortunately, many jurisdictions do not have a good understanding of this process and thereby fail to obtain, and retain, all the recovery revenue the community is eligible for. This course will provide senior leaders and staff planners with the key elements, milestones, and pitfalls to avoid when guiding a local jurisdictions recovery plans and operations. Show lessThis Disaster Recovery course provides a strategic overview of the FEMA Public Assistance Process that is essential to disaster recovery for local communities. The FEMA Public Assistance Process provides funding for local governments and eligible Private Non-Profit organizations to… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Disaster Recovery: A Strategic Overview of the Public Assistance Process |
Disaster Management | MGT482 | Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Programs, An Introduction | The Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Programs, an Introduction course was designed to provide an overview of the FEMA Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Program and process and will prepare front-line jurisdiction staff and leaders for working within that process. The outcome being to begin preparing for recovery in advance of a disaster.In this course, participants will identify pre-disaster planning and recovery actions. They will identify the goals of Federal Disaster Assistance and Recovery Programs, the initial stages, application collaboration, project formulation, and management of the Public Assistance Process. Project funding, monitoring, and closeout will also be explained. Show lessThe Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Programs, an Introduction course was designed to provide an overview of the FEMA Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Program and process and will prepare front-line jurisdiction staff and leaders for working within that process. The outcome being to… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Programs, An Introduction |
THIRA | AWR401 | Threat & Hazard Identification & Risk Assess & Stakeholder Preparedness Review | This online course introduces the six-step THIRA/SPR process which includes identifying threats and hazards that stress a community’s capabilities, giving context to those threats and hazards and identifying associated impacts consistent with specific factors, identifying community-specific capability targets, assessing current levels of capability in comparison to those targets, identifying capability gaps and subsequent strategies to close those gaps. Successful completion of the course will assist local emergency responders and stakeholders in generating actionable preparedness data that communities can use to support a variety of emergency management efforts, including planning, training, exercises, and incident response and recovery. THIRA/SPR-informed planning is consistent with and expands on nationally accepted emergency management standards as the basis for planning across the mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Course #77998.
Note: The AWR401 course is not considered an equivalent for the MGT310 Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment and Stakeholder Preparedness Review course. The AWR401 course is a reduced hour, web-based alternative designed to more quickly reach a broad national audience with information on the updated THIRA/SPR process until an individual can attend a MGT310 course offering. Please contact us at [email protected] if you need assistance with scheduling a MGT310 class for your location. Show lessThis online course introduces the six-step THIRA/SPR process which includes identifying threats and hazards that stress a community’s capabilities, giving context to those threats and hazards and identifying associated impacts consistent with specific factors, identifying community-specific… Show more | Online | LAW | Learn More about Threat & Hazard Identification & Risk Assess & Stakeholder Preparedness Review |
THIRA | MGT310 | Threat & Hazard Identification & Risk Assess & Stakeholder Preparedness Review | This course introduces the six-step THIRA/SPR process which includes identifying threats and hazards that stress a community’s capabilities, giving context to those threats and hazards and identifying associated impacts consistent with specific factors, identifying community-specific capability targets, assessing current levels of capability in comparison to those targets, identifying capability gaps and subsequent strategies to close those gaps using the POETE (Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, and Exercises) areas, and assessing and describing the impact of funding sources on building or sustaining capabilities in a community.Successful completion of the course will assist local emergency management efforts and stakeholders in generating actionable preparedness data that communities can use to support a variety of emergency management efforts, including planning, training, exercises, and incident response and recovery. THIRA/SPR-informed planning is consistent with, and expands on, nationally accepted emergency management standards as the basis for planning across the mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.Individuals completing this course in combination with AWR213, MGT315, MGT414, and MGT452, are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT310 JTHIRA course #78406. Show lessThis course introduces the six-step THIRA/SPR process which includes identifying threats and hazards that stress a community’s capabilities, giving context to those threats and hazards and identifying associated impacts consistent with specific factors, identifying community-specific… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | LAW | Learn More about Threat & Hazard Identification & Risk Assess & Stakeholder Preparedness Review |
THIRA | MGT315 | Conducting Risk Assessments for Critical Community Assets | Do you fully understand the risk to your facility and know what makes your facility susceptible to risk? Are you prepared to mitigate those risks?The Conducting Risk Assessments to Critical Community Assets course teaches the critical components of risk management and provides participants the basic fundamentals of determining and mitigating risks associated with their critical infrastructure. Through a combination of lecture, facilitated discussion, and group activities, participants will learn how threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences determine risk and are given an opportunity to practice the fundamentals of conducting vulnerability assessments by conducting an on-site site-specific risk assessment of select local facilities. Additionally, they will identify potential mitigation measures associated with their findings and work together to develop and present a risk assessment report.Individuals completing this course in combination with AWR213, MGT310, MGT414, and MGT452 are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT315 ETRA course #78407. Show lessDo you fully understand the risk to your facility and know what makes your facility susceptible to risk? Are you prepared to mitigate those risks?The Conducting Risk Assessments to Critical Community Assets course teaches the critical components of risk management and provides participants the… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | LAW | Learn More about Conducting Risk Assessments for Critical Community Assets |