All-Hazards Training and Exercises | AWR111 | Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events | Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show lessIs it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the… Show more | DHS/FEMA Online | ESTI | Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | AWR160 | WMD/Terrorism Awareness for Emergency Responders Online | The WMD/Terrorism Awareness for Emergency Responders course provides a basic awareness of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) hazards; how to use the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG); and how to prepare individuals to lessen further injuries or property losses. Awareness-level training does not certify a responder to perform ongoing operations at an incident.This course focuses on training responders to meet the requirements established in Chapter 4 Competencies for Hazardous Materials/WMD Awareness Level Personnel (NFPA 472)” and Chapter 5 “Professional Qualifications for Hazardous Materials/WMD Awareness Level Personnel (NFPA 1072)” of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 470, Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Standard for Responders (2022 edition). This course also covers Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §1910.120(q)(6)(i), and the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), NIPP 2013: Partnering for Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. Show lessThe WMD/Terrorism Awareness for Emergency Responders course provides a basic awareness of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) hazards; how to use the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG); and how to prepare individuals to lessen further injuries or property losses…. Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Online | ESTI | Learn More about WMD/Terrorism Awareness for Emergency Responders Online |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | AWR314 | Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies | The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show lessThe Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and… Show more | DHS/FEMA Online | ESTI | Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | MGT314 | Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command | The Enhanced Incident Management/Unified Command for All Hazards course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness skills using a computer-driven training simulation designed to create a challenging decision-making environment in an expanding complex incident.The course focuses on the processes used in an Incident Command Post (ICP) and the key decision-making requirements within that response node. Command and coordination, resource management, and communications & information management are emphasized. Participants learn from the cause and effects of incident decisions while performing in an ICP and responding to a variety of simulated, notional exercises.The course is delivered (resident) at the National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response. The course uses a multi-disciplinary approach to accomplish the course objectives. Each participant is integrated into a unified command structure responding to a simulated incident. The course emphasizes the application of contemporary incident management systems, best practices and procedures to the unique requirements of responding to all-hazards incidents.The incident management structure used in the course is based on National Incident Management System (NIMS) doctrine and the Incident Command System (ICS), and is certified by the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) National Training and Education Division (NTED). Master Course Schedule 2024 Show lessThe Enhanced Incident Management/Unified Command for All Hazards course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness skills using a computer-driven training simulation designed to create a challenging decision-making environment in an… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | MGT319 | Medical Countermeasures: Point of Dispensing (POD), Planning and Response | This course is a guide for local health officials and their partners to coordinate plans to provide mass distribution of medical countermeasures in response to a large-scale public health incident. This course focuses on planning considerations, recommendation to achieve the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) 48-hour standard for Mass Prophylaxis, and the local community’s Mass Prophylaxis and Point of Dispensing (POD) site preparedness. The course material is applicable to pandemic influenza, bio-terrorism, and other public health emergencies. Show lessThis course is a guide for local health officials and their partners to coordinate plans to provide mass distribution of medical countermeasures in response to a large-scale public health incident. This course focuses on planning considerations, recommendation to achieve the Centers for… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Medical Countermeasures: Point of Dispensing (POD), Planning and Response |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | MGT347 | Incident Command System (ICS) Forms Review | Learn about, complete and utilize most common Incident Command System (ICS) forms. The course will prepare you to work with the ICS Forms used in the Incident Command Planning process to assist in developing an Incident Action Plan (IAP).You will be introduced to the forms and will practice how to develop and write effective objectives to manage an expanding all-hazards incident. Participants will learn and experience the benefits of using the forms responding to emergencies or managing planned events. Show lessLearn about, complete and utilize most common Incident Command System (ICS) forms. The course will prepare you to work with the ICS Forms used in the Incident Command Planning process to assist in developing an Incident Action Plan (IAP).You will be introduced to the forms and will… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Incident Command System (ICS) Forms Review |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | MGT348 | Medical Preparedness and Response to Bombing Incidents | This course is designed for personnel from any professional background who may become part of a community response to a bombing event. This interactive, instructor-facilitated program employs case studies and research-based information designed to enhance medical preparedness for and response to blast effects. Breakout sessions address considerations and concerns specific both to medical responders and emergency planners. Students are encouraged to ask questions and to create a to-do list of items they don’t have the answers to, so they have a list of tasks to address when they return to their jurisdiction. Show lessThis course is designed for personnel from any professional background who may become part of a community response to a bombing event. This interactive, instructor-facilitated program employs case studies and research-based information designed to enhance medical preparedness for and response… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Medical Preparedness and Response to Bombing Incidents |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | MGT404 | Sports and Special Events Incident Management | This course emphasizes the unique aspects of response to an incident occurring during a sports/special event, including considerations for business continuity and after-action activities. You will learn the skills necessary to effectively manage an incident by applying and implementing a multi-disciplinary management team approach as described in the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
The course is designed to help develop athletic department staff, facility management personnel, campus public safety personnel, emergency response supervisors, and others involved in sports/special event management to better manage incidents that could occur during an event.
At the end of the course a practical application exercise can be customized to your facility where the course is held.
This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC). Show lessThis course emphasizes the unique aspects of response to an incident occurring during a sports/special event, including considerations for business continuity and after-action activities. You will learn the skills necessary to effectively manage an incident by applying and implementing a… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Sports and Special Events Incident Management |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | MGT904 | Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents | Building on the prerequisite ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses, this ICS 300 course focuses on the Incident Command System (ICS) for supervisors in expanding incidents. ICS 300 outlines how the NIMS Command and Coordination component supports the management of expanding incidents as well as describes the incident management processes as prescribed by ICS. This course has a threaded activity that will give students the opportunity to practice implementing the incident management process and creating an Incident Action Plan (IAP) for a simulated expanding incident. Show lessBuilding on the prerequisite ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses, this ICS 300 course focuses on the Incident Command System (ICS) for supervisors in expanding incidents. ICS 300 outlines how the NIMS Command and Coordination component supports the management of expanding incidents as well as… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | MGT905 | Advanced Incident Command System for Complex Incidents, ICS-400 | ICS-400 is intended for an audience of experienced responders and other senior emergency management personnel or those who may perform in a management capacity for major or complex incidents. Although this is an advanced ICS course and includes creation of Area Command, it is not intended to develop mastery of area command. This course aims to expose students to the concepts of utilizing area command in major and complex incidents. Show lessICS-400 is intended for an audience of experienced responders and other senior emergency management personnel or those who may perform in a management capacity for major or complex incidents. Although this is an advanced ICS course and includes creation of Area Command, it is not intended to… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Advanced Incident Command System for Complex Incidents, ICS-400 |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | MGT906 | Incident Command System (ICS) Curricula, Train-the-Trainer | Enhance your instructional skills and prepare to deliver (FEMA’s Incident Command Systems (ICS) curriculum. While ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses are addressed, the major emphasis is on ICS-300 and ICS-400.You will learn from training professionals how to use adult learning techniques to get the best out of the classes you teach. You will develop a training module during the course. Show lessEnhance your instructional skills and prepare to deliver (FEMA’s Incident Command Systems (ICS) curriculum. While ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses are addressed, the major emphasis is on ICS-300 and ICS-400.You will learn from training professionals how to use adult learning techniques to get… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Incident Command System (ICS) Curricula, Train-the-Trainer |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | OGT208 | Standardized Awareness Training (AWR-160-SAT) | The Standardized Awareness Training course provides a basic awareness of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) hazards; how to use the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG); and how to prepare individuals to lessen further injuries or property losses. Awareness-level training does not certify a responder to perform ongoing operations at an incident.This course focuses on training responders to meet the requirements established in Chapter 4 “Competencies for hazardous Materials/WMD Awareness Level Personnel (NFPA 472)” and Chapter 5 “Professional Qualifications for Hazardous Materials/WMD Awareness Level Personnel (NFPA 1072)” of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 470, Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Standard for Responders (2022 edition). This course also covers Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §1910.120(q)(6)(i), and the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), NIPP 2013: Partnering for Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. Show lessThe Standardized Awareness Training course provides a basic awareness of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) hazards; how to use the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG); and how to prepare individuals to lessen further injuries or property losses. Awareness-level… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Standardized Awareness Training (AWR-160-SAT) |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | PER211 | Medical Management of Chem, Bio, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive Events | PER 211, Medical Management of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) Events answers these questions and more as you learn how to distinguish between different agents of concern that could be used in a major incident.
This course is a combination of facilitated discussions, small-group exercises, Human Patient Simulator hands-on scenarios and traditional classroom discussions. Exercises are conducted in CBRNE scenarios using both adult and pediatric Human Patient Simulators to reinforce classroom lectures and interaction.
This course promotes critical thinking skills while utilizing the RAPID-Care concept. The multi-disciplinary audience helps to strengthen information sharing, communications, and medical surge capabilities. Show lessPER 211, Medical Management of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) Events answers these questions and more as you learn how to distinguish between different agents of concern that could be used in a major incident.
This course is a combination of facilitated… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Medical Management of Chem, Bio, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive Events |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | PER212 | Operational Level Response to HazMat/WMD Incidents | The Operational Level Response to HazMat/WMD Incidents course focuses on the special challenges faced by emergency responders at the operations level in dealing with a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or Explosive (CBRNE) incident. Upon completion, participants will be able to respond defensively to a CBRNE incident.
This course focuses on training responders to meet the requirements established in Chapter 6 “Competencies for Hazardous Materials/WMD Operations Level Personnel (NFPA 472),” Chapter 7 “Professional Qualifications for Hazardous Materials/WMD Operations Level Personnel (NFPA 1072),” and Job Performance Requirement (JPR) 9.2 “Personal Protective Equipment” in Chapter 9 “Professional Qualifications for Hazardous Materials/WMD Operations Level Responders Assigned Mission-Specific Responsibilities (NFPA 1072)” of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 470, Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)Standard for Responders (2022 edition). Show lessThe Operational Level Response to HazMat/WMD Incidents course focuses on the special challenges faced by emergency responders at the operations level in dealing with a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or Explosive (CBRNE) incident. Upon completion, participants will be able to… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Operational Level Response to HazMat/WMD Incidents |
All-Hazards Training and Exercises | PRE100 | Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop | The goal of the Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop is to provide first responder and city, county, and state officials with the knowledge, skills and abilities to lead an Active Shooter Tabletop Exercise.ScopePast Active shooter events have proven the need for realistic exercises delivered in the community. This course answers that need by providing a train the trainer (TtT) course on how to design and deliver a Tabletop exercise (TTX). This course will also provide template materials needed to deliver five (5) different TTXs, with one (1) of the five TTXs delivered in the afternoon of the training day. Show lessThe goal of the Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop is to provide first responder and city, county, and state officials with the knowledge, skills and abilities to lead an Active Shooter Tabletop Exercise.ScopePast Active shooter events have proven the need for realistic exercises… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop |
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) | IMS655 | Jurisdictional Crisis Emergency Management – Emergency Operations Center | This course uses a team approach, focusing on the processes used while operating in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the key decision-making requirements within that response node. The jurisdictional team will learn from the effects of management decisions while working in an EOC and responding to simulated, notional exercises. The final exercise can be tailored using the jurisdictions map and resource data, providing the unique opportunity to respond to a specific location and incident selected by the jurisdiction.
The course is delivered (resident) in the world-class National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response to guide the participants as they respond to large scale, simulated incidents. The course uses a multi-discipline, jurisdictional approach to accomplish the course objectives. Each staff position is integrated into an EOC team, recognizing the unique aspects of the jurisdiction when responding to an incident. The course adapts existing incident management systems and procedures to the unique requirements of responding to all-hazards incidents.
The overall incident management structure used in the course is based upon best practices and proven methods for managing large scale all-hazards incidents. Show lessThis course uses a team approach, focusing on the processes used while operating in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the key decision-making requirements within that response node. The jurisdictional team will learn from the effects of management decisions while working in an EOC and… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Jurisdictional Crisis Emergency Management – Emergency Operations Center |
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) | IMS800 | FEMA Introduction to the National Response Plan (NRP) IS-800 | | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about FEMA Introduction to the National Response Plan (NRP) IS-800 |
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) | MGT346 | EOC O&P All-Hazards Events | This course provides personnel who could be assigned to or work in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) the skills necessary to effectively plan for and manage a large-scale incidents by applying and implementing an all-hazards, multi-disciplinary, management team approach. The course places specific emphasis on the planning, resource, and information management processes.
The course focuses on the key decision-making requirements within the Emergency Operations Center. The jurisdictional team will learn from the effects of incident decisions while working in an EOC using a simulated, notional jurisdiction as they respond to the final day’s exercise.
The course is delivered in your jurisdiction. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response. The course uses a multi-discipline, jurisdictional approach to accomplish the course objectives. The course adapts existing incident management systems, best practices and procedures to the unique requirements of responding to all-hazards incident. Show lessThis course provides personnel who could be assigned to or work in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) the skills necessary to effectively plan for and manage a large-scale incidents by applying and implementing an all-hazards, multi-disciplinary, management team approach. The course places… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about EOC O&P All-Hazards Events |
Executive Programs | AWR330 | Whole Community Emergency Management Planning | Through guided discussions, individual and group activities, the AWR-330 Whole Community Emergency Management Planning Course helps participants identify and better understand the stakeholders and resources within their communities. Students will learn to develop strategies to better incorporate stakeholders into their emergency planning process, with a goal of increasing individual, community, and national resilience to all hazards. Show lessThrough guided discussions, individual and group activities, the AWR-330 Whole Community Emergency Management Planning Course helps participants identify and better understand the stakeholders and resources within their communities. Students will learn to develop strategies to better… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Whole Community Emergency Management Planning |
Executive Programs | MGT312 | Senior Officials Workshop for All-Hazards Preparedness | This workshop provides an interactive forum to better understand the roles and responsibilities of community leaders as related to all-hazard disaster preparedness, to share proven strategies and best practices, and to enhance coordination among whole of community partners.Participants will a basic understanding of planning operational coordination and public information and warning through lecture and group discussions. The participant will have the opportunity to work through a customized tabletop exercise focused on the strategic objectives faced by senior leaders. The final activity of the class is the development of an action plan to improve the preparedness posture of the community/organization. Show lessThis workshop provides an interactive forum to better understand the roles and responsibilities of community leaders as related to all-hazard disaster preparedness, to share proven strategies and best practices, and to enhance coordination among whole of community partners.Participants will… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Senior Officials Workshop for All-Hazards Preparedness |
Executive Programs | MGT318 | Public Information in an All-Hazards Incident | This course examines the role of public information in all-hazards incident management and provides practical training in crisis communication techniques. In a major incident, it is imperative that community leaders, incident managers, and Public Information Officers (PIOs) are prepared to communicate with the public through traditional and social media. The course consists of three modules.The first module reviews the topics of terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), national response structures, incident management, and government and agency roles. Participants learn about the passing of information to the public in WMD terrorism, or other all-hazards incident and the function of joint information operations.The second module covers issues unique to interacting with members of the media to help you build more effective relationships and avoid common mistakes when providing information to the press and public. The module includes a mock press conference exercise in which the class is broken into groups to prepare for and conduct press conference exercise in which the class is broken into groups to prepare for and conduct press conferences based on fictional WMD, terrorism and all-hazards incident scenarios. These scenarios are taken from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) National Planning Scenarios.The third module introduces the crisis communication life cycle and crisis communication planning. A six-phase cycle is discussed, with public information objectives and key actions for managing each phase provided. Participants learn how to create a crisis communication plan and develope a crisis communication team to execute it. Show lessThis course examines the role of public information in all-hazards incident management and provides practical training in crisis communication techniques. In a major incident, it is imperative that community leaders, incident managers, and Public Information Officers (PIOs) are prepared… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Public Information in an All-Hazards Incident |
Executive Programs | MGT340 | Crisis Leadership | This seminar uses one of four case studies to examine the dynamics of crisis leadership and decision making from an elected or community leaders prospective. This four-hour seminar explores recent case studies to frame the discussion regarding methods to overcome leadership challenges in planning and responding to a large-scale incident. The seminar’s outcome is developing individual and jurisdictional action plans to guide improved preparedness and emergency response. Available Case Studies:Hurricane Harvey: Chaos on the Gulf CoastMayhem at Mandalay BayThe Camp Fire: Crisis in CaliforniaFear and Realities: Managing Ebola in Dallas Show lessThis seminar uses one of four case studies to examine the dynamics of crisis leadership and decision making from an elected or community leaders prospective. This four-hour seminar explores recent case studies to frame the discussion regarding methods to overcome leadership challenges in… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Crisis Leadership |
Incident Management | IMS100 | FEMA Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS-100), | The goal of this professional development course, IS100 Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS), is to promote effective response by familiarizing personnel with the ICS framework, and the principles used to manage incidents. This course also prepares personnel to coordinate with response partners from all levels of government and the private sector. Show lessThe goal of this professional development course, IS100 Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS), is to promote effective response by familiarizing personnel with the ICS framework, and the principles used to manage incidents. This course also prepares personnel to coordinate with… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about FEMA Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS-100), |
Incident Management | IMS120 | IMS 120 (ICS 100 and 200 Combined) | This course is designed to enable you to operate efficiently during an incident or event using the Incident Command System (ICS). The course introduces ICS, explains basic concepts for managing all-hazards emergencies or planned events, and provides the foundation for higher-level ICS training. Providing training and resources for personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within the ICS. This course also prepares personnel to coordinate with response partners from all levels of government and the private sector. Show lessThis course is designed to enable you to operate efficiently during an incident or event using the Incident Command System (ICS). The course introduces ICS, explains basic concepts for managing all-hazards emergencies or planned events, and provides the foundation for higher-level ICS… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about IMS 120 (ICS 100 and 200 Combined) |
Incident Management | IMS200 | FEMA Incident Command System for Single Resources & Initial Action Incidents | IMS200 is designed to enable you to operate efficiently during an incident or event within the Incident Command System (ICS). The course provides the foundation for higher-level ICS training, and will provide you with the skill to work at the basic level in the Incident Command System. You will be introduced to the Incident Command System and will learn basic concepts for managing all-hazards emergencies or planned events. IMS200 provides training and resources for personnel likely to assume a supervisory position within the ICS. This course also prepares personnel to coordinate with response partners from all levels of government and the private sector. Show lessIMS200 is designed to enable you to operate efficiently during an incident or event within the Incident Command System (ICS). The course provides the foundation for higher-level ICS training, and will provide you with the skill to work at the basic level in the Incident Command System. You… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about FEMA Incident Command System for Single Resources & Initial Action Incidents |
Incident Management | IMS250 | Industrial Incident Management Team-Initial Response Phase & Tabletop Exercise | This course focuses on developing a team approach to industrial incident management in a fixed facility and/or operating region. Emphasis is placed on the formation and duties of the Industrial Incident Management Team (IMT) during the initial response phase of an incident and can be customized, as desired. The functions of Command, Command Staff, and General Staff, working on-scene and in an industrial Emergency Operations Center (EOC) environment, are stressed. Further, specific emphasis is placed on establishing, managing, and supporting the Operations Section.The course reviews IMT section and position-specific roles and responsibilities during the initial response phase including the creation of the ICS 201-Incident Briefing Form and the execution of the ICS 201 Incident Brief. Show lessThis course focuses on developing a team approach to industrial incident management in a fixed facility and/or operating region. Emphasis is placed on the formation and duties of the Industrial Incident Management Team (IMT) during the initial response phase of an incident and can be… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Industrial Incident Management Team-Initial Response Phase & Tabletop Exercise |
Incident Management | IMS300 | Intermediate, ICS-300 Expanding Incidents | Building on the ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses, this ICS 300 course focuses on the Incident Command System (ICS) for supervisors in expanding incidents. ICS 300 outlines how the NIMS Command and Coordination component supports the management of expanding incidents as well as describes the incident management processes as prescribed by ICS. This course has a threaded activity that will give students the opportunity to practice implementing the incident management process and creating an Incident Action Plan (IAP) for a simulated expanding incident. This course provides training and resources for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS). Enhance your Incident command skills and focuses on new concepts of the ICS.
You will participate in group activities that introduce the development of the Incident Action Plan (IAP) and demonstrate the interactions between the Command and General Staff sections of the ICS. Show lessBuilding on the ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses, this ICS 300 course focuses on the Incident Command System (ICS) for supervisors in expanding incidents. ICS 300 outlines how the NIMS Command and Coordination component supports the management of expanding incidents as well as describes the… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Intermediate, ICS-300 Expanding Incidents |
Incident Management | IMS313 | Incident Management/Unified Command for All-Hazards Expanding and Complex Inci | This course provides specific emphasis on Incident Action Plan (IAP) preparation and resource management processes when responding to an expanding incident.
The course includes facilitated discussions with subject-matter experts in which each of the fundamental ICS planning and resource management concepts are examined. You will immediately apply newly-gained knowledge and concepts through scenario-based activities customized to your community. Show lessThis course provides specific emphasis on Incident Action Plan (IAP) preparation and resource management processes when responding to an expanding incident.
The course includes facilitated discussions with subject-matter experts in which each of the fundamental ICS planning and resource… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Incident Management/Unified Command for All-Hazards Expanding and Complex Inci |
Incident Management | IMS320 | 200-FEMA Incident Command System for Single Resources & Initial Action | IMS320 provides training and resources for personnel who require application of the Incident Command System (ICS). The course is designed to enhance your Incident command skills and focuses on new concepts of the ICS.
The course allows you to participate in group activities that introduce the development of the Incident Action Plan (IAP) and demonstrate the interactions between the Command and General Staff sections of the ICS.
This course assists any person with a responsibility to function in a command post that is managing an expanding incident. This course builds upon information covered in the ICS-100 course. Show lessIMS320 provides training and resources for personnel who require application of the Incident Command System (ICS). The course is designed to enhance your Incident command skills and focuses on new concepts of the ICS.
The course allows you to participate in group activities that introduce the… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about 200-FEMA Incident Command System for Single Resources & Initial Action |
Incident Management | IMS340 | IMS-340-FEMA ICS 300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents & FEMA ICS 400 | Provides training and resources for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS). The course is designed to enhance your Incident command skills and focuses on new concepts of the Incident Command System.
The course allows you to participate in group activities that introduce the development of the Incident Action Plan (IAP) and demonstrate the interactions between the Command and General Staff sections of the Incident Command System.
Includes exercises that can be customized to fit your industry, jurisdiction, or department.
This course assists any person that has a responsibility to function in a command post managing an expanding incident. Show lessProvides training and resources for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS). The course is designed to enhance your Incident command skills and focuses on new concepts of the Incident Command System.
The course allows you to participate in group… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about IMS-340-FEMA ICS 300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents & FEMA ICS 400 |
Incident Management | IMS344 | Advanced Incident Management / Unified Command (ICS 400) | This course trains emergency response supervisors and mid-to-upper-level managers in the skills necessary to effectively plan for and manage a large-scale incident by applying and implementing an all-hazards, multi-disciplinary, command and management team approach. The course places specific emphasis on Incident Action Plan (IAP) development and resource management processes.
The course concludes with a practical application role-play exercise customized to the community in which the course is delivered. Show lessThis course trains emergency response supervisors and mid-to-upper-level managers in the skills necessary to effectively plan for and manage a large-scale incident by applying and implementing an all-hazards, multi-disciplinary, command and management team approach. The course places specific… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Advanced Incident Management / Unified Command (ICS 400) |
Incident Management | IMS350 | Industrial Incident Management Team – Expanded Response Phase | The course focuses on developing a team approach to industrial incident management in a fixed facility and/or operating region. The course emphasizes the duties of the Industrial Incident Management Team (IMT) during the transition from the initial response phase to the expanded response phase. And, throughout the expanded response phase until incident termination. The course will utilize a customized, hypothetical incident scenario, that each client may experience at their facility/operating region, for training purposes.The functions of Incident Command/Unified Command, Command Staff, and the General Staff, working on-scene and in an industrial Emergency Operations Center (EOC) environment, are stressed. Participants will “role-play” their IMT position-specific duties and responsibilities during the course’s hypothetical scenario while being coached by TEEX Instructors.Finally, the course includes completion of an entire Expanded Response Planning Cycle and the execution of each Planning Process Meeting. As a result, the IMT participants will create a written Incident Action Plan (IAP), and supporting documents, specific to the hypothetical incident scenario. Show lessThe course focuses on developing a team approach to industrial incident management in a fixed facility and/or operating region. The course emphasizes the duties of the Industrial Incident Management Team (IMT) during the transition from the initial response phase to the expanded response… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Industrial Incident Management Team – Expanded Response Phase |
Incident Management | IMS400 | Advanced ICS-400 Command and General Staff-Complex Incidents | ICS 400 is intended for an audience of experienced responders and other senior emergency management personnel who may perform in a management capacity for major or complex incidents (Type 1 or Type 2 incidents). Large and complex incidents that require the application of area command don’t happen often. Although this is an advanced ICS course, it is not intended to develop mastery of area command. The purpose of this course is to expose students to the concepts of utilizing area command in major and complex incidents.This course trains emergency response supervisors and mid-to-upper level managers in the skills necessary to effectively plan for and manage a large-scale incident by applying and implementing an all-hazards, multidisciplinary, command and management team approach. The course places specific emphasis on Incident Action Plan (IAP) development and resource management processes. Show lessICS 400 is intended for an audience of experienced responders and other senior emergency management personnel who may perform in a management capacity for major or complex incidents (Type 1 or Type 2 incidents). Large and complex incidents that require the application of area command don’t… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Advanced ICS-400 Command and General Staff-Complex Incidents |
Incident Management | IMS650 | Jurisdictional Crisis Incident Management-Incident Command Post | This course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness and decision-making skills using a computer-driven training simulation to offer a challenging decision-making environment in an expanding complex incident.
The course uses a team approach, focusing on the processes used while working in an Incident Command Post (ICP) and the key decision-making requirements within that response node. The Incident Management Team (IMT) will learn the cause and effects of incident decisions while working in an ICP and responding to simulated, notional exercises. The final exercise can be tailored using the jurisdictions map and resource data, providing the unique opportunity to respond to a specific location selected by the jurisdiction.
The course is delivered (resident) in the world-class National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response. The course uses a multi-discipline, jurisdictional approach to accomplish the course objectives. Each staff position is integrated into a unified command structure that teaches management processes and procedures to respond to all-hazards incident.
The overall incident management structure used in the course is based on the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF), and is certified by the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) Training and Exercise Integration Division. Show lessThis course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness and decision-making skills using a computer-driven training simulation to offer a challenging decision-making environment in an expanding complex incident.
The course uses a team… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Jurisdictional Crisis Incident Management-Incident Command Post |
Incident Management | IMS700 | FEMA Introduction to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) IS-700 | This course introduces the National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS provides a consistent nationwide template to enable all government, private-sector, and non-governmental organizations to work together during domestic incidents.
You will learn about the development of NIMS and the importance of a nationwide approach for responding to all-hazard incidents. Show lessThis course introduces the National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS provides a consistent nationwide template to enable all government, private-sector, and non-governmental organizations to work together during domestic incidents.
You will learn about the development of NIMS and the… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about FEMA Introduction to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) IS-700 |
Incident Management | IMS710 | Intro to National Incident Mgmt and Intro to The Incident Command System | This course introduces you to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS).
It describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System and explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Show lessThis course introduces you to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS).
It describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System and explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Intro to National Incident Mgmt and Intro to The Incident Command System |
Incident Management | IMS820 | Intro to National Response Plan & Incident Command for Single Resources | This course introduces you to the concepts and principles of the National Response Framework (NRF) and the Incident Command System (ICS).
The course is designed to increase and enhance your knowledge of the National Response Framework and provide you with the skill to work at the basic level within the ICS.
You will be introduced to new concepts for managing all hazards emergencies or planned events. IMS820 provides training and resources for personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within the ICS. Show lessThis course introduces you to the concepts and principles of the National Response Framework (NRF) and the Incident Command System (ICS).
The course is designed to increase and enhance your knowledge of the National Response Framework and provide you with the skill to work at the basic level… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Intro to National Response Plan & Incident Command for Single Resources |
Incident Management | MGT314 | Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command | The Enhanced Incident Management/Unified Command for All Hazards course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness skills using a computer-driven training simulation designed to create a challenging decision-making environment in an expanding complex incident.The course focuses on the processes used in an Incident Command Post (ICP) and the key decision-making requirements within that response node. Command and coordination, resource management, and communications & information management are emphasized. Participants learn from the cause and effects of incident decisions while performing in an ICP and responding to a variety of simulated, notional exercises.The course is delivered (resident) at the National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response. The course uses a multi-disciplinary approach to accomplish the course objectives. Each participant is integrated into a unified command structure responding to a simulated incident. The course emphasizes the application of contemporary incident management systems, best practices and procedures to the unique requirements of responding to all-hazards incidents.The incident management structure used in the course is based on National Incident Management System (NIMS) doctrine and the Incident Command System (ICS), and is certified by the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) National Training and Education Division (NTED). Master Course Schedule 2024 Show lessThe Enhanced Incident Management/Unified Command for All Hazards course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness skills using a computer-driven training simulation designed to create a challenging decision-making environment in an… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command |
Incident Management | MGT347 | Incident Command System (ICS) Forms Review | Learn about, complete and utilize most common Incident Command System (ICS) forms. The course will prepare you to work with the ICS Forms used in the Incident Command Planning process to assist in developing an Incident Action Plan (IAP).You will be introduced to the forms and will practice how to develop and write effective objectives to manage an expanding all-hazards incident. Participants will learn and experience the benefits of using the forms responding to emergencies or managing planned events. Show lessLearn about, complete and utilize most common Incident Command System (ICS) forms. The course will prepare you to work with the ICS Forms used in the Incident Command Planning process to assist in developing an Incident Action Plan (IAP).You will be introduced to the forms and will… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Incident Command System (ICS) Forms Review |
Incident Management | MGT404 | Sports and Special Events Incident Management | This course emphasizes the unique aspects of response to an incident occurring during a sports/special event, including considerations for business continuity and after-action activities. You will learn the skills necessary to effectively manage an incident by applying and implementing a multi-disciplinary management team approach as described in the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
The course is designed to help develop athletic department staff, facility management personnel, campus public safety personnel, emergency response supervisors, and others involved in sports/special event management to better manage incidents that could occur during an event.
At the end of the course a practical application exercise can be customized to your facility where the course is held.
This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC). Show lessThis course emphasizes the unique aspects of response to an incident occurring during a sports/special event, including considerations for business continuity and after-action activities. You will learn the skills necessary to effectively manage an incident by applying and implementing a… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Sports and Special Events Incident Management |
Incident Management | MGT440 | Enhanced Sports and Special Events Incident Management | This scenario-based course provides the opportunity to learn and implement policy-level decision-making and incident management alongside industry experts during multiple simulated events. These All-Hazard, simulation-supported emergency response exercises are designed to hone individual and team skills through the perspective of the Incident Command Post, Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and Policy Group. The course uses a multi-disciplinary, team-building approach designed to give participants the skills to safely manage an expanding incident, whether natural, human-caused, or technological, within the context of sports and special events.This course represents a cooperative effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service’s National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (TEEX/NERRTC), a member of the Texas A&M University System Show lessThis scenario-based course provides the opportunity to learn and implement policy-level decision-making and incident management alongside industry experts during multiple simulated events. These All-Hazard, simulation-supported emergency response exercises are designed to hone individual and… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Enhanced Sports and Special Events Incident Management |
Incident Management | MGT904 | Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents | Building on the prerequisite ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses, this ICS 300 course focuses on the Incident Command System (ICS) for supervisors in expanding incidents. ICS 300 outlines how the NIMS Command and Coordination component supports the management of expanding incidents as well as describes the incident management processes as prescribed by ICS. This course has a threaded activity that will give students the opportunity to practice implementing the incident management process and creating an Incident Action Plan (IAP) for a simulated expanding incident. Show lessBuilding on the prerequisite ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses, this ICS 300 course focuses on the Incident Command System (ICS) for supervisors in expanding incidents. ICS 300 outlines how the NIMS Command and Coordination component supports the management of expanding incidents as well as… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents |
Incident Management | MGT905 | Advanced Incident Command System for Complex Incidents, ICS-400 | ICS-400 is intended for an audience of experienced responders and other senior emergency management personnel or those who may perform in a management capacity for major or complex incidents. Although this is an advanced ICS course and includes creation of Area Command, it is not intended to develop mastery of area command. This course aims to expose students to the concepts of utilizing area command in major and complex incidents. Show lessICS-400 is intended for an audience of experienced responders and other senior emergency management personnel or those who may perform in a management capacity for major or complex incidents. Although this is an advanced ICS course and includes creation of Area Command, it is not intended to… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Advanced Incident Command System for Complex Incidents, ICS-400 |
Incident Management | MGT906 | Incident Command System (ICS) Curricula, Train-the-Trainer | Enhance your instructional skills and prepare to deliver (FEMA’s Incident Command Systems (ICS) curriculum. While ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses are addressed, the major emphasis is on ICS-300 and ICS-400.You will learn from training professionals how to use adult learning techniques to get the best out of the classes you teach. You will develop a training module during the course. Show lessEnhance your instructional skills and prepare to deliver (FEMA’s Incident Command Systems (ICS) curriculum. While ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses are addressed, the major emphasis is on ICS-300 and ICS-400.You will learn from training professionals how to use adult learning techniques to get… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Incident Command System (ICS) Curricula, Train-the-Trainer |
Industrial Preparedness | AWR375 | Risk Management for After School Activities and Interscholastic Athletics | The goal of this course is to enhance the safety and security awareness of individuals responsible for organizing, supervising, and supporting after school activities and interscholastic athletics. This innovative training will provide an online platform for learning while improving the awareness level of security and resilience within school districts and communities hosting special events and interscholastic athletics.
This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC).This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Risk & Safety Management course #7821. Show lessThe goal of this course is to enhance the safety and security awareness of individuals responsible for organizing, supervising, and supporting after school activities and interscholastic athletics. This innovative training will provide an online platform for learning while improving the… Show more | DHS/FEMA Online | NERRTC | Learn More about Risk Management for After School Activities and Interscholastic Athletics |
Industrial Preparedness | IMS250 | Industrial Incident Management Team-Initial Response Phase & Tabletop Exercise | This course focuses on developing a team approach to industrial incident management in a fixed facility and/or operating region. Emphasis is placed on the formation and duties of the Industrial Incident Management Team (IMT) during the initial response phase of an incident and can be customized, as desired. The functions of Command, Command Staff, and General Staff, working on-scene and in an industrial Emergency Operations Center (EOC) environment, are stressed. Further, specific emphasis is placed on establishing, managing, and supporting the Operations Section.The course reviews IMT section and position-specific roles and responsibilities during the initial response phase including the creation of the ICS 201-Incident Briefing Form and the execution of the ICS 201 Incident Brief. Show lessThis course focuses on developing a team approach to industrial incident management in a fixed facility and/or operating region. Emphasis is placed on the formation and duties of the Industrial Incident Management Team (IMT) during the initial response phase of an incident and can be… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Industrial Incident Management Team-Initial Response Phase & Tabletop Exercise |
Industrial Preparedness | IMS350 | Industrial Incident Management Team – Expanded Response Phase | The course focuses on developing a team approach to industrial incident management in a fixed facility and/or operating region. The course emphasizes the duties of the Industrial Incident Management Team (IMT) during the transition from the initial response phase to the expanded response phase. And, throughout the expanded response phase until incident termination. The course will utilize a customized, hypothetical incident scenario, that each client may experience at their facility/operating region, for training purposes.The functions of Incident Command/Unified Command, Command Staff, and the General Staff, working on-scene and in an industrial Emergency Operations Center (EOC) environment, are stressed. Participants will “role-play” their IMT position-specific duties and responsibilities during the course’s hypothetical scenario while being coached by TEEX Instructors.Finally, the course includes completion of an entire Expanded Response Planning Cycle and the execution of each Planning Process Meeting. As a result, the IMT participants will create a written Incident Action Plan (IAP), and supporting documents, specific to the hypothetical incident scenario. Show lessThe course focuses on developing a team approach to industrial incident management in a fixed facility and/or operating region. The course emphasizes the duties of the Industrial Incident Management Team (IMT) during the transition from the initial response phase to the expanded response… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Industrial Incident Management Team – Expanded Response Phase |
Jurisdictional Crisis Management | IMS650 | Jurisdictional Crisis Incident Management-Incident Command Post | This course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness and decision-making skills using a computer-driven training simulation to offer a challenging decision-making environment in an expanding complex incident.
The course uses a team approach, focusing on the processes used while working in an Incident Command Post (ICP) and the key decision-making requirements within that response node. The Incident Management Team (IMT) will learn the cause and effects of incident decisions while working in an ICP and responding to simulated, notional exercises. The final exercise can be tailored using the jurisdictions map and resource data, providing the unique opportunity to respond to a specific location selected by the jurisdiction.
The course is delivered (resident) in the world-class National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response. The course uses a multi-discipline, jurisdictional approach to accomplish the course objectives. Each staff position is integrated into a unified command structure that teaches management processes and procedures to respond to all-hazards incident.
The overall incident management structure used in the course is based on the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF), and is certified by the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) Training and Exercise Integration Division. Show lessThis course focuses on incident management skills, staff responsibilities, and the related situational awareness and decision-making skills using a computer-driven training simulation to offer a challenging decision-making environment in an expanding complex incident.
The course uses a team… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Jurisdictional Crisis Incident Management-Incident Command Post |
Jurisdictional Crisis Management | IMS655 | Jurisdictional Crisis Emergency Management – Emergency Operations Center | This course uses a team approach, focusing on the processes used while operating in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the key decision-making requirements within that response node. The jurisdictional team will learn from the effects of management decisions while working in an EOC and responding to simulated, notional exercises. The final exercise can be tailored using the jurisdictions map and resource data, providing the unique opportunity to respond to a specific location and incident selected by the jurisdiction.
The course is delivered (resident) in the world-class National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response to guide the participants as they respond to large scale, simulated incidents. The course uses a multi-discipline, jurisdictional approach to accomplish the course objectives. Each staff position is integrated into an EOC team, recognizing the unique aspects of the jurisdiction when responding to an incident. The course adapts existing incident management systems and procedures to the unique requirements of responding to all-hazards incidents.
The overall incident management structure used in the course is based upon best practices and proven methods for managing large scale all-hazards incidents. Show lessThis course uses a team approach, focusing on the processes used while operating in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the key decision-making requirements within that response node. The jurisdictional team will learn from the effects of management decisions while working in an EOC and… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Jurisdictional Crisis Emergency Management – Emergency Operations Center |