Certified Environmental Safety and Health Official

Established in 2023, the TEEX Certified Environmental Safety and Health Official (CESHO) Program is the next step in educating safety professionals. The program is designed to provide safety professionals who are lacking environmental experience and knowledge with a solid foundation to move forward and help safety professionals navigate environmental compliance.

While anyone is welcome to attend our five new environmental classes (see below), the CESHO Program is designed to link the TEEX CSHO Program with an environmental component. Anyone with a CSHO is eligible to receive the CESHO upon successful completion of our five environmental classes.

This program is open to ANY CSHO, not just TEEX CSHOs. Participants who provide a copy of their CSHO certificates with their CESHO application will receive their CESHO upon application approval and successful course completion.

EHS Course Progress Checklist

Use this convenient checklist (download link below) to keep track of the courses you have completed toward CSHO, CESHO, and OSHA Outreach Trainer.

Sallie Mae Funding Option

Sallie Mae is an educational funding option. It must be paid back but will never exceed tuition cost. Complete the Sallie Mae Student Loan PDF below and email to: [email protected]

For more information, go to the Sallie Mae web page.

CESHO Sallie Mae Application Form

CESHO Forms and Resources

Download CESHO Application

Download CESHO Program Flyer

CESHO Frequently Asked Questions

CESHO graphic

CategoryCourse #Course TitleDescriptionFunding Options & Delivery TypesDivisionLearn More Buttons
Certified Environmental Safety and Health OfficialENV410Introduction to Environmental Compliance
Introduction to Environmental Compliance is designed to provide an overview of environmental laws and regulations and give participants a basic understanding of particular environmental regulatory programs. The scope of this course is the environmental regulatory programs at the federal level. The course focuses primarily on wastes and waste minimization, water discharges, air emissions, pollution prevention,and general environmental compliance issues.Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to apply federal environmental laws and regulations to facility operations.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
Introduction to Environmental Compliance is designed to provide an overview of environmental laws and regulations and give participants a basic understanding of particular environmental regulatory programs. The scope of this course is the environmental regulatory programs at the federal level….
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Environmental Safety and Health OfficialENV420Hazardous Waste Management and Compliance
Hazardous Waste Management and Compliance is designed to provide an overview of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and related regulations as they relate to environmental compliance and waste management.Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to apply the requirements for managing hazardous waste in accordance with Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
Hazardous Waste Management and Compliance is designed to provide an overview of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and related regulations as they relate to environmental compliance and waste management.Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to apply the…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSILearn More about Hazardous Waste Management and Compliance
Certified Environmental Safety and Health OfficialENV430Managing Environmental Release Events
Managing Environmental Release Events is designed to provide an overview of the laws and regulations that guide the management of accidental environmental release events.Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to describe how to manage environmental release events.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
Managing Environmental Release Events is designed to provide an overview of the laws and regulations that guide the management of accidental environmental release events.Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to describe how to manage environmental release…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSILearn More about Managing Environmental Release Events
Certified Environmental Safety and Health OfficialENV440Environmental Management of Water
Environmental Management of Water will cover the fundamentals of various water programs that may apply to any given industrial facility. The regulatory framework will include the Clean Water Act which will provide CHSO’s with information about pollution prevention, storm water best management practices, how to meet the industrial wastewater treatment system standards, and the concepts involved with downstream criteria. The course will also cover how to develop a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) for bulk storage of oils and discuss the fundamental of groundwater hydrogeology, including ground water monitoring.Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to recognize requirements pertaining to basic water programs such as the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
Environmental Management of Water will cover the fundamentals of various water programs that may apply to any given industrial facility. The regulatory framework will include the Clean Water Act which will provide CHSO’s with information about pollution prevention, storm water best management…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSILearn More about Environmental Management of Water
Certified Environmental Safety and Health OfficialENV450Environmental Monitoring and Instrumentation
Environmental Monitoring and Instrumentation is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of environmental monitoring methods and instrumentation. Topics will cover equipment selection, use, data collection, and analysis. Hands-on use of monitoring equipment will also be provided.Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to collect environmental sample using a variety of monitoring methods and instrumentation.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
Environmental Monitoring and Instrumentation is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of environmental monitoring methods and instrumentation. Topics will cover equipment selection, use, data collection, and analysis. Hands-on use of monitoring equipment will also be provided.Upon…
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ITSILearn More about Environmental Monitoring and Instrumentation