Transportation And Highway Safety

The TEEX Transportation and Highway Safety Program serves industry professionals working on or near Texas Department of Transportation roadways and Federal Highway Administration sponsored projects. Whether a work zone traffic control assignment, a traffic collision incident, school bus operations, or continuing education provided to transportation engineers, proper training helps ensure safe decisions are made regardless of the environment. At TEEX we understand the importance of properly trained personnel and utilize experienced professionals to train state and local transportation industry professionals throughout Texas.

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Transportation and Highway

CategoryCourse #Course TitleDescriptionFunding Options & Delivery TypesDivisionLearn More Buttons
CDL TrainingCDL110Entry-Level Driver Training Theory
CDL110 Entry-Level Driver Training Theory covers an overview of federally required elements necessary for commercial driving. This course consists of classroom portions.NOTE: This course is eligible for Smart Option Student Loan funding from Sallie Mae.However, in order to be eligible, you must also register for the following related course:CDL111 – Entry-Level Driver Training Range and Road Class A Show less
CDL110 Entry-Level Driver Training Theory covers an overview of federally required elements necessary for commercial driving. This course consists of classroom portions.NOTE: This course is eligible for Smart Option Student Loan funding from Sallie Mae.However, in order to be eligible, you…
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CDL TrainingCDL111Entry-Level Driver Training Range and Road Class A
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) now mandates that entry-level drivers attend formal classroom training prior to attending behind-the-wheel (BTW) training and taking the Commercial Driver License (CDL) skills test. This class covers all FMCSA requirements to complete the BTW portion of the Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT). This includes all range and road maneuvers. Show less
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) now mandates that entry-level drivers attend formal classroom training prior to attending behind-the-wheel (BTW) training and taking the Commercial Driver License (CDL) skills test. This class covers all FMCSA requirements to complete the…
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Veterans BenefitsSallie Mae
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CDL TrainingCDL210ELDT Passenger and School Bus Theory
CDL210 Entry-Level Driver Training Passenger and School Bus Theory covers an overview of federally required elements necessary for commercial driving. This course consists of classroom portions.
CDL210 Entry-Level Driver Training Passenger and School Bus Theory covers an overview of federally required elements necessary for commercial driving. This course consists of classroom

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CDL TrainingCDL212ELDT Passenger and School Bus Range and Road Class B
CDL212 Entry-Level Driver Training Passenger and School Bus Range and Road Class B covers an overview of federally required elements necessary for commercial driving. This course consists of practical driving exercises.
CDL212 Entry-Level Driver Training Passenger and School Bus Range and Road Class B covers an overview of federally required elements necessary for commercial driving. This course consists of practical driving

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CDL TrainingHEP710Commercial Driver License Test Safety Preparation Online
This class is designed to prepare students to take the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) skills test.  Participants will learn, in detail, important safety procedures to ensure the safe driving of commercial vehicles.  Furthermore, students will be provided detailed verbiage for the vehicle inspection test. Show less
This class is designed to prepare students to take the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) skills test.  Participants will learn, in detail, important safety procedures to ensure the safe driving of commercial vehicles.  Furthermore, students will be provided detailed verbiage for the…
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DOT PHMSADOT501Hazardous Materials Instructor Training
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) under the Department of Transportation requires that Hazmat Employers* train all Hazmat Employees** within 90 days of starting in the position and conduct recurrent training every three years thereafter.  The Hazardous Materials Transportation Train the Trainer course, offered at no-cost, is designed for personnel who will be preparing and conducting this training. Course participants will learn applicable PHMSA requirements as well as principles of adult education and effective instructional design. In addition, participants will learn how to develop a systematic training program to ensure that hazmat employees are trained in the five areas required by 49 CFR 72 Subpart H: General awareness/familiarization, Function-specific, Safety, Security awareness, and In-Depth security.* Hazmat Employer: a person who uses one or more employees regarding: transporting hazmat in commerce; causing hazmat to be transported or shipped in commerce; or designing, manufacturing, fabricating, inspecting, representing, marking, certifying, selling, offering, reconditioning, testing, repairing, or modifying packaging as qualified for use in the transportation of hazmat.** Hazmat Employee: a person employed by a hazmat employer, or person who is self-employed, and who directly affects hazmat transportation safety including: an owner-operator of a motor vehicle that transports hazmat; a person who: loads, unloads, or handles hazmat; designs, manufactures, fabricates, inspects, tests, reconditions, repairs, modifies, marks, or otherwise represents packaging as qualified for use in the transportation of hazmat; prepares hazmat for transportation; is responsible for safety of transporting hazmat; or operates a vehicle used to transport hazmat. Show less
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) under the Department of Transportation requires that Hazmat Employers* train all Hazmat Employees** within 90 days of starting in the position and conduct recurrent training every three years thereafter.  The Hazardous…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Roadway Maintenance and SafetyHEP700Heavy Equipment and Vehicle Safety in Construction Work Zones (Online)
This Heavy Equipment and Vehicle Safety in Construction Work Zones online course provides safety awareness training for those who work on and around heavy equipment and vehicles in construction work zones. Students will be able to recognize methods for identifying and preventing hazards pertaining to heavy equipment and vehicle operations in construction work zones. The course addresses common hazards including the top four causes of injury and death: falls, struck-by, caught-between, and electrocution. Show less
This Heavy Equipment and Vehicle Safety in Construction Work Zones online course provides safety awareness training for those who work on and around heavy equipment and vehicles in construction work zones. Students will be able to recognize methods for identifying and preventing hazards…
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Roadway Maintenance and SafetyHWS110Flaggers in Work Zones
The Flaggers in Work Zones course provides training to work zone personnel assigned to traffic control duties. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. During the course, participants are instructed on proper flagging techniques critical to the safety of work zone personnel and guided through demonstrations designed to help reduce the risk of traffic accidents, injuries, and fatalities. In addition to classroom training, all participants are provided opportunities to practice using those techniques demonstrated during assigned practical field scenarios. Show less
The Flaggers in Work Zones course provides training to work zone personnel assigned to traffic control duties. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. During the course, participants are instructed on proper flagging techniques critical to the safety of work zone personnel…
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Roadway Maintenance and SafetyHWS410Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person
The Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person course provides managers and supervisors responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on State-owned roadways with required training recognized by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The course provides TxDOT compliant training in basic work zone traffic control set-up and covers the importance of complying with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and all relative TxDOT standards. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. Show less
The Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person course provides managers and supervisors responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on State-owned roadways with required training recognized by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The course…
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Roadway Maintenance and SafetyHWS415Refresher Course for Contractor’s Responsible Person
TxDOT has recognized the need to require a refresher course for those managers and supervisors who are designated as contractor’s responsible person (CRP) or alternate CRP and are responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on state-owned roadways. The Refresher Course for Contractor’s Responsible Person (HWS415) provides a review of TxDOT-compliant training in basic work zone traffic control setup and maintenance for CRPs. The participant will receive refresher training on the importance of complying with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and updates on all relative TxDOT standards that apply to TxDOT roadways, including the Interstate System. Show less
TxDOT has recognized the need to require a refresher course for those managers and supervisors who are designated as contractor’s responsible person (CRP) or alternate CRP and are responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on state-owned roadways. The Refresher Course for…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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School Bus TransportationPPT001School Bus Driver Instructor
The School Bus Driver Instructor course provides school districts with an opportunity to save resources through the use of their own qualified drivers as behind-the-wheel instructors. Experienced drivers completing instructor training are not only provided with best practices and opportunities to present to their peers, but also receive recommended delivery options, helpful instruction tips, and guidance regarding student documentation requirements. All participants receive an instructor manual designed to guide class work as well as a practitioner manual and supplemental sets of instructional media and candidate driver evaluation documentation. Show less
The School Bus Driver Instructor course provides school districts with an opportunity to save resources through the use of their own qualified drivers as behind-the-wheel instructors. Experienced drivers completing instructor training are not only provided with best practices and opportunities…
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School Bus TransportationPPT002 School Bus Driver Instructor Refresher
The School Bus Driver Instructor Refresher course provides experienced pupil transportation professionals with Department of Transportation guideline updates, associated curriculum revisions, and all related training delivery updates to include revised delivery materials; all based on Texas Department of Public Safety School Bus Driver Program best practices. In addition to refreshing basic instructor skills, participants will cover all CDL Pre-trip inspection review processes along with proper backing, turning, parking, and student skill documentation requirements. Show less
The School Bus Driver Instructor Refresher course provides experienced pupil transportation professionals with Department of Transportation guideline updates, associated curriculum revisions, and all related training delivery updates to include revised delivery materials; all based on Texas…
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School Bus TransportationPPT301School Bus Driver
This course serves as an introduction to pupil transportation for new school bus drivers as well as a refresher for more experienced drivers. Participants will also focus on preventative accident measures by concentrating on basic essential maneuvers. At the completion, new drivers will be equipped for behind the wheel training. Show less
This course serves as an introduction to pupil transportation for new school bus drivers as well as a refresher for more experienced drivers. Participants will also focus on preventative accident measures by concentrating on basic essential maneuvers. At the completion, new drivers will be…
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Traffic FlaggingHWS110Flaggers in Work Zones
The Flaggers in Work Zones course provides training to work zone personnel assigned to traffic control duties. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. During the course, participants are instructed on proper flagging techniques critical to the safety of work zone personnel and guided through demonstrations designed to help reduce the risk of traffic accidents, injuries, and fatalities. In addition to classroom training, all participants are provided opportunities to practice using those techniques demonstrated during assigned practical field scenarios. Show less
The Flaggers in Work Zones course provides training to work zone personnel assigned to traffic control duties. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. During the course, participants are instructed on proper flagging techniques critical to the safety of work zone personnel…
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Traffic FlaggingHWS114Train-The -Trainer Flaggers
The Flaggers Instructor course is designed for industry professional supervisors responsible for work zone safety operations who wish to become flagger trainers. During training, candidate instructors are provided opportunities to demonstrate flagger proficiency as they work to develop their individual trainer skills through practice teaching assignments. At the conclusion of training, all new instructors are provided with a set of lesson plans and associated instructional materials for use when conducting classroom training and exercises for their own organization. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. This certification can be recertified with the completion of HWS002 (Work Zone Traffic Control), HWS410 (Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person), HWS005 (Work Zone Traffic Control Refresher), HWS415 (Work Zone Traffic Control Refresher for Contractor’s Responsible Person). Show less
The Flaggers Instructor course is designed for industry professional supervisors responsible for work zone safety operations who wish to become flagger trainers. During training, candidate instructors are provided opportunities to demonstrate flagger proficiency as they work to develop their…
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Traffic FlaggingHWS410Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person
The Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person course provides managers and supervisors responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on State-owned roadways with required training recognized by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The course provides TxDOT compliant training in basic work zone traffic control set-up and covers the importance of complying with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and all relative TxDOT standards. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. Show less
The Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person course provides managers and supervisors responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on State-owned roadways with required training recognized by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The course…
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Traffic FlaggingHWS415Refresher Course for Contractor’s Responsible Person
TxDOT has recognized the need to require a refresher course for those managers and supervisors who are designated as contractor’s responsible person (CRP) or alternate CRP and are responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on state-owned roadways. The Refresher Course for Contractor’s Responsible Person (HWS415) provides a review of TxDOT-compliant training in basic work zone traffic control setup and maintenance for CRPs. The participant will receive refresher training on the importance of complying with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and updates on all relative TxDOT standards that apply to TxDOT roadways, including the Interstate System. Show less
TxDOT has recognized the need to require a refresher course for those managers and supervisors who are designated as contractor’s responsible person (CRP) or alternate CRP and are responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on state-owned roadways. The Refresher Course for…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Work ZoneHEP700Heavy Equipment and Vehicle Safety in Construction Work Zones (Online)
This Heavy Equipment and Vehicle Safety in Construction Work Zones online course provides safety awareness training for those who work on and around heavy equipment and vehicles in construction work zones. Students will be able to recognize methods for identifying and preventing hazards pertaining to heavy equipment and vehicle operations in construction work zones. The course addresses common hazards including the top four causes of injury and death: falls, struck-by, caught-between, and electrocution. Show less
This Heavy Equipment and Vehicle Safety in Construction Work Zones online course provides safety awareness training for those who work on and around heavy equipment and vehicles in construction work zones. Students will be able to recognize methods for identifying and preventing hazards…
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Work ZoneHWS002Work Zone Traffic Control
The Work Zone Traffic Control course provides participants with best practices training specific to work zone traffic controls using the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and all related Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) standards. During the course, participants are provided proper traffic control set up procedures along with all related safety measure requirements necessary to reduce risks associated with work on or near roadways. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. Show less
The Work Zone Traffic Control course provides participants with best practices training specific to work zone traffic controls using the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and all related Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) standards. During the course, participants are…
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Work ZoneHWS005Work Zone Traffic Control Refresher (Open Enrollment)
The Work Zone Traffic Control Refresher course provides participants with new and updated information surrounding work zone traffic control standards. During training, students are provided information surrounding new devices for use when working a traffic control site as well as set up recommendations for improved access by both motorists and road workers. During the course, instructors lead discussions and scenario setting exercises specific to common highway projects administered by Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Show less
The Work Zone Traffic Control Refresher course provides participants with new and updated information surrounding work zone traffic control standards. During training, students are provided information surrounding new devices for use when working a traffic control site as well as set up…
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Work ZoneHWS110Flaggers in Work Zones
The Flaggers in Work Zones course provides training to work zone personnel assigned to traffic control duties. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. During the course, participants are instructed on proper flagging techniques critical to the safety of work zone personnel and guided through demonstrations designed to help reduce the risk of traffic accidents, injuries, and fatalities. In addition to classroom training, all participants are provided opportunities to practice using those techniques demonstrated during assigned practical field scenarios. Show less
The Flaggers in Work Zones course provides training to work zone personnel assigned to traffic control duties. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. During the course, participants are instructed on proper flagging techniques critical to the safety of work zone personnel…
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Work ZoneHWS114Train-The -Trainer Flaggers
The Flaggers Instructor course is designed for industry professional supervisors responsible for work zone safety operations who wish to become flagger trainers. During training, candidate instructors are provided opportunities to demonstrate flagger proficiency as they work to develop their individual trainer skills through practice teaching assignments. At the conclusion of training, all new instructors are provided with a set of lesson plans and associated instructional materials for use when conducting classroom training and exercises for their own organization. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. This certification can be recertified with the completion of HWS002 (Work Zone Traffic Control), HWS410 (Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person), HWS005 (Work Zone Traffic Control Refresher), HWS415 (Work Zone Traffic Control Refresher for Contractor’s Responsible Person). Show less
The Flaggers Instructor course is designed for industry professional supervisors responsible for work zone safety operations who wish to become flagger trainers. During training, candidate instructors are provided opportunities to demonstrate flagger proficiency as they work to develop their…
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Work ZoneHWS410Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person
The Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person course provides managers and supervisors responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on State-owned roadways with required training recognized by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The course provides TxDOT compliant training in basic work zone traffic control set-up and covers the importance of complying with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and all relative TxDOT standards. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. Show less
The Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person course provides managers and supervisors responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on State-owned roadways with required training recognized by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The course…
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Work ZoneHWS415Refresher Course for Contractor’s Responsible Person
TxDOT has recognized the need to require a refresher course for those managers and supervisors who are designated as contractor’s responsible person (CRP) or alternate CRP and are responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on state-owned roadways. The Refresher Course for Contractor’s Responsible Person (HWS415) provides a review of TxDOT-compliant training in basic work zone traffic control setup and maintenance for CRPs. The participant will receive refresher training on the importance of complying with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and updates on all relative TxDOT standards that apply to TxDOT roadways, including the Interstate System. Show less
TxDOT has recognized the need to require a refresher course for those managers and supervisors who are designated as contractor’s responsible person (CRP) or alternate CRP and are responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on state-owned roadways. The Refresher Course for…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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