Critical Infrastructure Protection | AWR213 | Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness | This course will introduce participants to the key terms, policy, guidance, and preparedness efforts required to safeguard the Nation’s critical infrastructure. Participants will discuss the risk management framework, describe Federal critical infrastructure security and resilience and information sharing programs, and relate critical infrastructure programs to individual actions. Focus will be placed on local preparedness efforts as they relate to the national approach to critical infrastructure security and resilience, enabling stakeholders to address local planning within a common framework. Informed planning is consistent with accepted emergency management standards as the basis for planning across the mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.Individuals completing this course in combination with MGT310, MGT315, MGT414, and MGT452 are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for AWR213 Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness course #78408. Show lessThis course will introduce participants to the key terms, policy, guidance, and preparedness efforts required to safeguard the Nation’s critical infrastructure. Participants will discuss the risk management framework, describe Federal critical infrastructure security and resilience and… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | LAW | Learn More about Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness |
Critical Infrastructure Protection | MGT414 | Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Community Lifelines | In this course participants will learn how to develop a roadmap for progress toward the National Preparedness Goal by facilitating the development of resilience considerations and involving essential community critical infrastructure partners. Participants will learn how to formulate considerations for the resilience of community assets that leverage cross-sector partnerships. These considerations enhance the whole community’s ability to manage the risk associated with critical infrastructure protection efforts. Participants will have an opportunity to practice the practical skills necessary to formulate considerations in the local community.Individuals completing this course in combination with AWR213, MGT310, MGT315, and MGT452 are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT414 Advanced Critical Infrastructure Protection course #78400. Show lessIn this course participants will learn how to develop a roadmap for progress toward the National Preparedness Goal by facilitating the development of resilience considerations and involving essential community critical infrastructure partners. Participants will learn how to formulate… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | LAW | Learn More about Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Community Lifelines |
Electric Power | EPP601 | New HB4150 Requirements for Texas Electric Utilities | Upon successful completion of this module, participants will be able to determine new requirements as they pertain to HB4150-William Thomas Heath Powerline Safety Act. Upon successful completion of this module, participants will be able to determine new requirements as they pertain to HB4150-William Thomas Heath Powerline Safety | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about New HB4150 Requirements for Texas Electric Utilities |
Emergency Management/Preparedness | MGT312 | Senior Officials Workshop for All-Hazards Preparedness | This workshop provides an interactive forum to better understand the roles and responsibilities of community leaders as related to all-hazard disaster preparedness, to share proven strategies and best practices, and to enhance coordination among whole of community partners.Participants will a basic understanding of planning operational coordination and public information and warning through lecture and group discussions. The participant will have the opportunity to work through a customized tabletop exercise focused on the strategic objectives faced by senior leaders. The final activity of the class is the development of an action plan to improve the preparedness posture of the community/organization. Show lessThis workshop provides an interactive forum to better understand the roles and responsibilities of community leaders as related to all-hazard disaster preparedness, to share proven strategies and best practices, and to enhance coordination among whole of community partners.Participants will… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Senior Officials Workshop for All-Hazards Preparedness |
Emergency Management/Preparedness | MGT319 | Medical Countermeasures: Point of Dispensing (POD), Planning and Response | This course is a guide for local health officials and their partners to coordinate plans to provide mass distribution of medical countermeasures in response to a large-scale public health incident. This course focuses on planning considerations, recommendation to achieve the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) 48-hour standard for Mass Prophylaxis, and the local community’s Mass Prophylaxis and Point of Dispensing (POD) site preparedness. The course material is applicable to pandemic influenza, bio-terrorism, and other public health emergencies. Show lessThis course is a guide for local health officials and their partners to coordinate plans to provide mass distribution of medical countermeasures in response to a large-scale public health incident. This course focuses on planning considerations, recommendation to achieve the Centers for… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Medical Countermeasures: Point of Dispensing (POD), Planning and Response |
Emergency Management/Preparedness | MGT346 | EOC O&P All-Hazards Events | This course provides personnel who could be assigned to or work in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) the skills necessary to effectively plan for and manage a large-scale incidents by applying and implementing an all-hazards, multi-disciplinary, management team approach. The course places specific emphasis on the planning, resource, and information management processes.
The course focuses on the key decision-making requirements within the Emergency Operations Center. The jurisdictional team will learn from the effects of incident decisions while working in an EOC using a simulated, notional jurisdiction as they respond to the final day’s exercise.
The course is delivered in your jurisdiction. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response. The course uses a multi-discipline, jurisdictional approach to accomplish the course objectives. The course adapts existing incident management systems, best practices and procedures to the unique requirements of responding to all-hazards incident. Show lessThis course provides personnel who could be assigned to or work in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) the skills necessary to effectively plan for and manage a large-scale incidents by applying and implementing an all-hazards, multi-disciplinary, management team approach. The course places… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about EOC O&P All-Hazards Events |
Emergency Management/Preparedness | PRE100 | Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop | The goal of the Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop is to provide first responder and city, county, and state officials with the knowledge, skills and abilities to lead an Active Shooter Tabletop Exercise.ScopePast Active shooter events have proven the need for realistic exercises delivered in the community. This course answers that need by providing a train the trainer (TtT) course on how to design and deliver a Tabletop exercise (TTX). This course will also provide template materials needed to deliver five (5) different TTXs, with one (1) of the five TTXs delivered in the afternoon of the training day. Show lessThe goal of the Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop is to provide first responder and city, county, and state officials with the knowledge, skills and abilities to lead an Active Shooter Tabletop Exercise.ScopePast Active shooter events have proven the need for realistic exercises… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH201 | Hazardous Materials (OSHA #2015) | The Hazardous Materials (OSHA #2015) course covers OSHA General Industry Standards and other consensus and proprietary standards that relate to the use of hazardous materials. Course topics include flammable and combustible liquids, compressed gases, LP-gases, and cryogenic liquids. Related processes such as spraying and dipping, and use of electrical equipment in hazardous locations are also discussed. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to assess compliance with OSHA hazardous materials standards, determine hazardous (classified) locations, and proper moving, storing, and handling of hazardous materials.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show lessThe Hazardous Materials (OSHA #2015) course covers OSHA General Industry Standards and other consensus and proprietary standards that relate to the use of hazardous materials. Course topics include flammable and combustible liquids, compressed gases, LP-gases, and cryogenic liquids. Related… Show more | GSA Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Hazardous Materials (OSHA #2015) |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH222 | Respiratory Protection (OSHA #2225) | The Respiratory Protection (OSHA #2225) course covers the requirements for the establishment, maintenance, and monitoring of a respiratory protection program. Course topics include terminology, OSHA Respiratory Protection Standards, NIOSH certification, respiratory protection programs, and medical evaluation requirements. Program highlights include workshops on respirator selection, qualitative and quantitative fit testing, and the use of respiratory protection and support equipment. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to identify and describe the elements of a respiratory protection program, the proper selection, use, and inspection of respiratory protection, protection factors, and evaluate compliance with OSHA Standards.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show lessThe Respiratory Protection (OSHA #2225) course covers the requirements for the establishment, maintenance, and monitoring of a respiratory protection program. Course topics include terminology, OSHA Respiratory Protection Standards, NIOSH certification, respiratory protection programs, and… Show more | GSA Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Respiratory Protection (OSHA #2225) |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH226 | Permit-Required Confined Space Entry (OSHA #2264) | The Permit-Required Confined Space Entry (OSHA #2264) course covers the safety and health hazards associated with permit-required confined space entry. Course topics include recognition of confined space hazards, identification of permit and non-permit required confined spaces, use of instrumentation to evaluate atmospheric hazards, ventilation techniques, development and implementation of a confined space program, proper signage, and training requirements. This course features workshops on permit entry classification, instrumentation, and program development. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to identify permit and non-permit required confined spaces, reference the OSHA Permit-Required Confined Spaces Standard, conduct atmospheric testing, and implement a permit-required confined space program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show lessThe Permit-Required Confined Space Entry (OSHA #2264) course covers the safety and health hazards associated with permit-required confined space entry. Course topics include recognition of confined space hazards, identification of permit and non-permit required confined spaces, use of… Show more | GSA Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Permit-Required Confined Space Entry (OSHA #2264) |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH301 | Excavation, Trenching, and Soil Mechanics (OSHA #3015) | The Excavation, Trenching, and Soil Mechanics (OSHA #3015) course covers the OSHA Excavation Standard and safety and health aspects of excavation and trenching. Course topics include practical soil mechanics and its relationship to the stability of shored and unshored slopes and walls of excavations, introduction of various types of shoring (wood timbers and hydraulic), soil classification, and use of protective systems. Testing methods are demonstrated and students participate in workshops in the use of instruments such as penetrometers, torvane shears, and engineering rods. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to assess their employer’s compliance with the OSHA Excavation Standard, utilize soil testing methods to classify soil types, determine protective systems for excavation operations, and training requirements.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show lessThe Excavation, Trenching, and Soil Mechanics (OSHA #3015) course covers the OSHA Excavation Standard and safety and health aspects of excavation and trenching. Course topics include practical soil mechanics and its relationship to the stability of shored and unshored slopes and walls of… Show more | GSA Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Excavation, Trenching, and Soil Mechanics (OSHA #3015) |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH308 | Principles of Scaffolding (OSHA #3085) | OSH308 Principles of Scaffolding (OSHA #3085) covers the requirements for safe construction and use of scaffolding using OSHA’s construction scaffold standards as a guide. Course topics include hazards associated with scaffold design, assembly, disassembly and use, types of scaffolds, determining scaffold capacity, employee qualifications and training, and maintenance, repair, and inspection requirements. Participants will complete workshops to reinforce concepts of safe scaffolding.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show lessOSH308 Principles of Scaffolding (OSHA #3085) covers the requirements for safe construction and use of scaffolding using OSHA’s construction scaffold standards as a guide. Course topics include hazards associated with scaffold design, assembly, disassembly and use, types of scaffolds,… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Principles of Scaffolding (OSHA #3085) |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH311 | Fall Protection (OSHA #3115) | The Fall Protection (OSHA #3115) course covers the OSHA Fall Protection Standard for construction and an overview of fall protection methods. Course topics include principles of fall protection, components and limitations of fall arrest systems, and OSHA Standards and policies regarding fall protection. Students will participate in workshops demonstrating the inspection and use of fall protection equipment, residential construction fall protection, training requirements, and developing a fall protection program. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to assess compliance with the OSHA Fall Protection Standard, evaluate installed passive systems and fall arrest systems, and develop and implement fall protection plans.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show lessThe Fall Protection (OSHA #3115) course covers the OSHA Fall Protection Standard for construction and an overview of fall protection methods. Course topics include principles of fall protection, components and limitations of fall arrest systems, and OSHA Standards and policies regarding fall… Show more | GSA Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Fall Protection (OSHA #3115) |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH502 | Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) | The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show lessThe Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach… Show more | GSA Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH503 | Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) | The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach… Show more | GSA Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH510 | Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510) | The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show lessThe Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special… Show more | GSA Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510) |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH511 | Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511) | The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show lessThe Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511) |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH750 | Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500) | OSH750 Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500) covers the effective implementation of a company’s safety and health management system. The course addresses the core elements of an effective safety and health management system and those central issues that are critical to each element’s proper management. This course is an interactive training session focusing on class discussion and workshops.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show lessOSH750 Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500) covers the effective implementation of a company’s safety and health management system. The course addresses the core elements of an effective safety and health management system and those central issues that are critical to each… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500) |
Environmental Health and Safety | OSH784 | Recordkeeping Rule Seminar (OSHA #7845) | The Recordkeeping Rule Seminar (OSHA #7845) course covers Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for maintaining and posting records of occupational injuries and illnesses and reporting specific cases to OSHA. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to identify OSHA requirements for recordkeeping, posting and reporting and to complete OSHA Form 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, OSHA Form 300A Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, and OSHA Form 301 Injury and Illness Incident Report.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show lessThe Recordkeeping Rule Seminar (OSHA #7845) course covers Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for maintaining and posting records of occupational injuries and illnesses and reporting specific cases to OSHA. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to… Show more | GSA Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Recordkeeping Rule Seminar (OSHA #7845) |
Environmental Health and Safety | PRT106 | Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Instructor Development Course | Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Instructor Development Course (PRT106) and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Instructor Refresher (PRT105) are designed to provide an overview of the skills, knowledge, and techniques related to H2S training. Accidents associated with H2S continue to occur even though the extremely dangerous properties of the gas are known. People tend to disregard the danger and, other than conventional hazard communications training, do not seek out specialized training in handling toxic chemicals. Numerous fatalities occur when victims and their would-be rescuers succumb to the effects of H2S. In this course, participants will develop the necessary skills to develop and implement an H2S training program at their facilities. Show lessHydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Instructor Development Course (PRT106) and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Instructor Refresher (PRT105) are designed to provide an overview of the skills, knowledge, and techniques related to H2S training. Accidents associated with H2S continue to occur even though the extremely… Show more | GSA Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Instructor Development Course |
Infrastructure Disaster Management and Recovery | MGT481 | Disaster Recovery: A Strategic Overview of the Public Assistance Process | This Disaster Recovery course provides a strategic overview of the FEMA Public Assistance Process that is essential to disaster recovery for local communities. The FEMA Public Assistance Process provides funding for local governments and eligible Private Non-Profit organizations to conduct effective long-term recovery. Unfortunately, many jurisdictions do not have a good understanding of this process and thereby fail to obtain, and retain, all the recovery revenue the community is eligible for. This course will provide senior leaders and staff planners with the key elements, milestones, and pitfalls to avoid when guiding a local jurisdictions recovery plans and operations. Show lessThis Disaster Recovery course provides a strategic overview of the FEMA Public Assistance Process that is essential to disaster recovery for local communities. The FEMA Public Assistance Process provides funding for local governments and eligible Private Non-Profit organizations to… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Disaster Recovery: A Strategic Overview of the Public Assistance Process |
Infrastructure Disaster Management and Recovery | MGT482 | Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Programs, An Introduction | The Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Programs, an Introduction course was designed to provide an overview of the FEMA Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Program and process and will prepare front-line jurisdiction staff and leaders for working within that process. The outcome being to begin preparing for recovery in advance of a disaster.In this course, participants will identify pre-disaster planning and recovery actions. They will identify the goals of Federal Disaster Assistance and Recovery Programs, the initial stages, application collaboration, project formulation, and management of the Public Assistance Process. Project funding, monitoring, and closeout will also be explained. Show lessThe Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Programs, an Introduction course was designed to provide an overview of the FEMA Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Program and process and will prepare front-line jurisdiction staff and leaders for working within that process. The outcome being to… Show more | GSADHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Programs, An Introduction |
Leadership Development – Leaving your Legacy | HIL001 | Leaving Your Legacy! Introduction to Leadership | How do you leave a legacy of leadership at your job, home, or community? More than ever, we need engaged leaders! Leaders help make an organization successful and help to develop the next generation of leaders. Great leaders also improve morale, build teams, and grow more engaged employees. Leaving Your Legacy leadership program will help you enhance your leadership skills and learn from experts who live and breathe the program. This tuition-free course is the first in a series of seven on Leadership Professional Development. Show lessHow do you leave a legacy of leadership at your job, home, or community? More than ever, we need engaged leaders! Leaders help make an organization successful and help to develop the next generation of leaders. Great leaders also improve morale, build teams, and grow more engaged employees…. Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Leaving Your Legacy! Introduction to Leadership |
Leadership Development – Leaving your Legacy | HIL002 | Leaving Your Legacy! Leadership Styles | In order to leave a legacy of leadership in your job, your home, and your community, you must learn about yourself and that starts with identifying your leadership style. We all have our “go to” leadership styles we tend to lean towards and use in most interactions with our teams. By learning about and utilizing each of the six identified leadership styles, we then can adapt our leadership style to lead our teams in the best way possible. Different employees and situations require us to be flexible in our styles of leadership in order to best guide our team. This course will introduce you to the different styles of leadership and how to best apply them. This course is the second in a series of seven on Leadership Professional Development (see related courses on the right). Show lessIn order to leave a legacy of leadership in your job, your home, and your community, you must learn about yourself and that starts with identifying your leadership style. We all have our “go to” leadership styles we tend to lean towards and use in most interactions with our teams. By learning… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Leaving Your Legacy! Leadership Styles |
Leadership Development – Leaving your Legacy | HIL003 | Leaving Your Legacy! Emotional Intelligence | Emotions are reliable indicators of what is really going on inside of us. They may stem from things we have seen and heard, from past experiences, or our values and beliefs. They may also be a combination of any or all of these. As a leader, we must be able to know what triggers our different emotions and learn to manage those accordingly for the situation at hand. Unlike our Intelligence Quotient (IQ), we are able to grow our Emotional Quotient (EQ) to become stronger as a leader and grow more engaged employees and co-workers. Show lessEmotions are reliable indicators of what is really going on inside of us. They may stem from things we have seen and heard, from past experiences, or our values and beliefs. They may also be a combination of any or all of these. As a leader, we must be able to know what triggers our different… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Leaving Your Legacy! Emotional Intelligence |
Leadership Development – Leaving your Legacy | HIL004 | Leaving Your Legacy! Communication | There is more to being a leader than just a title. Being a leader is taking action! What leadership behavior is referenced by employees more often than others? Communication! Employees note “effective communication from their leaders” is key to their success in their positions within their organizations. They need and want to know what’s going on that affects them and their tasks. Look at ways on how to improve your communication skills to become a more successful leader. Show lessThere is more to being a leader than just a title. Being a leader is taking action! What leadership behavior is referenced by employees more often than others? Communication! Employees note “effective communication from their leaders” is key to their success in their positions within their… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Leaving Your Legacy! Communication |
Leadership Development – Leaving your Legacy | HIL005 | Leaving Your Legacy! Accountability | How do you know if you are successful? To be successful, you must have goals and guidelines to meet and ways to measure if they are being met. That is where accountability comes in. You must provide your team with clear and measurable goals and parameters for them to follow. Accountability is a must for both positive and negative outcomes if you want to have highly engaged employees. As leaders, it always starts with us. Show lessHow do you know if you are successful? To be successful, you must have goals and guidelines to meet and ways to measure if they are being met. That is where accountability comes in. You must provide your team with clear and measurable goals and parameters for them to follow. Accountability is… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Leaving Your Legacy! Accountability |
Leadership Development – Leaving your Legacy | HIL006 | Leaving Your Legacy! Recognition | How important is recognition for hard work and a job well done? It’s hugely important! So how can you consistently and effectively show your employees how much you appreciate all they do? The answer is through knowing your employees and acknowledging them in a way that means most to them. You must give intention to when and how you “recognize” your team. As a leader we can never recognize or say “thank you” enough. Show lessHow important is recognition for hard work and a job well done? It’s hugely important! So how can you consistently and effectively show your employees how much you appreciate all they do? The answer is through knowing your employees and acknowledging them in a way that means most to them. You… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Leaving Your Legacy! Recognition |
Leadership Development – Leaving your Legacy | HIL007 | Leaving Your Legacy! Empowerment and Work-Life Balance | This webinar will focus on two key behaviors that will help to grow more engaged employees. They are Empowerment and Work/Life Balance.Employees just want to be able to do their jobs. A leader empowers their employees by providing them encouragement, tools necessary for their jobs, authority to make decisions and giving them guidance and direction to succeed in their roles, without micromanaging them. Giving your employees this type of power utilizes their talents and creativity to the fullest capacity. By giving away power, we create great power in others and our organization.Work/Life Balance is reality! In these days of immediate availability of information through technology, we cannot seem to get away from work. Allowing flexibility in the workplace is key to supporting work/life balance. Attention to balancing professional lives and family lives is key to the health and well-being of everyone. Happier, healthier employees are more productive and more engaged! Show lessThis webinar will focus on two key behaviors that will help to grow more engaged employees. They are Empowerment and Work/Life Balance.Employees just want to be able to do their jobs. A leader empowers their employees by providing them encouragement, tools necessary for their jobs, authority… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Leaving Your Legacy! Empowerment and Work-Life Balance |
Spanish School | ASP412 | Gerencia en el Combate de Incendio (Seminario web para instructores en vivo) | DescripciónEl entrenamiento contempla el desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas en el manejo y administración de incendios en expansión para aeropuertos, puertos marítimos y áreas industrials a través presentaciones expositivas y estudios de casos.Este curso no ofrece certificación Pro Board. Los que aprueben el entrenamiento recibirán el certificado de TEEX.This training includes the development of management skills for expanding incidents at airports, seaports, and industrial areas through the use of presentations and case studies. This course does not offer Pro Board certification. Those who pass the training will receive the TEEX certificate. Show lessDescripciónEl entrenamiento contempla el desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas en el manejo y administración de incendios en expansión para aeropuertos, puertos marítimos y áreas industrials a través presentaciones expositivas y estudios de casos.Este curso no ofrece certificación Pro… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Gerencia en el Combate de Incendio (Seminario web para instructores en vivo) |
Spanish School | ASP433 | Liderazgo de la Brigada de Bomberos (Seminario web para instructores en vivo) | El curso de Liderazgo de la Brigada de Bomberos utiliza discusiones en el aula y ejercicios de mesa para brindarle una base sólida para administrar la respuesta de emergencia en un incidente industrial. El curso define las funciones y características de liderazgo, proporciona conocimientos básicos de referencia sobre los estándares, regulaciones de uso frecuente y la gestión de recursos en la escena de un incidente.The Fire Brigade Leadership Course uses classroom discussions and tabletop exercises to provide a solid foundation for managing emergency response in an industrial incident. The course defines leadership features and functions, provides baseline knowledge of standards, frequently used regulations, and resource management at the scene of an incident. Show lessEl curso de Liderazgo de la Brigada de Bomberos utiliza discusiones en el aula y ejercicios de mesa para brindarle una base sólida para administrar la respuesta de emergencia en un incidente industrial. El curso define las funciones y características de liderazgo, proporciona conocimientos… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Liderazgo de la Brigada de Bomberos (Seminario web para instructores en vivo) |
Spanish School | ASP441 | NFPA 1041 de Instructor I (Seminario web para instructores en vivo) | Este curso está diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de los instructores de servicios de emergencia y de incendios de nivel de entrada para cumplir o superar los requisitos de desempeño laboral de la Asociación Nacional de Protección contra Incendios (NFPA) 1041, Estándar para Cualificaciones Profesionales de Incendios. Instructores de Servicios de Bomberos, Capítulo 4 “Instructor de Bomberos I” Los participantes pueden solicitar la certificación a través de la Asociación Estatal de Bomberos y Mariscales de Incendio. (SFFMA).This course is designed to meet the needs of entry-level fire and emergency service instructors to meet or exceed the job performance requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1041, Standard for Professional Fire Qualifications. Fire Service Instructors, Chapter 4 “Fire Instructor I” Participants may apply for certification through the State Firefighter’s and Fire Marshal’s Association (SFFMA). Show lessEste curso está diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de los instructores de servicios de emergencia y de incendios de nivel de entrada para cumplir o superar los requisitos de desempeño laboral de la Asociación Nacional de Protección contra Incendios (NFPA) 1041, Estándar para… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about NFPA 1041 de Instructor I (Seminario web para instructores en vivo) |
Spanish School | ASP469 | Concientización y Operaciones en Incidentes con Materiales Peligroso | DescripciónEste curso está diseñado para cuerpos de bomberos y encargados de la respuesta inicial a incidentes de materiales peligrosos. El curso tiene como objetivo darles a los participantes los conocimientos necesarios para evitar accidentes mientras responden a incidentes HazMat y realizan las actividades correspondientes. Se profundiza en el concepto general de los materiales peligrosos mediante ejercicios prácticos que les permiten a los participantes ampliar su experiencia en condiciones reales.This course is designed for fire departments and those responsible for the initial response to hazardous material incidents. The course aims to give participants the knowledge necessary to avoid accidents while responding to HazMat incidents and carrying out the relevant activities. Show lessDescripciónEste curso está diseñado para cuerpos de bomberos y encargados de la respuesta inicial a incidentes de materiales peligrosos. El curso tiene como objetivo darles a los participantes los conocimientos necesarios para evitar accidentes mientras responden a incidentes HazMat y… Show more | Face-to-Face | ESTI | Learn More about Concientización y Operaciones en Incidentes con Materiales Peligroso |
Sports and Special Events Management | AWR167 | Sport and Special Event Risk Management and Planning | The purpose of this course is to develop capabilities for multi-agency collaboration pertaining to sport and special event safety and
security. Through activity-based training modules, participants will enhance
their ability for planning, risk assessment, training, and exercising practices
specific to conducting sport and special events. The expectation is for
participants to return to their respective organizations and coordinate the
development of a sport and/or special event risk management and planning
process.This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC).
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for AWR-167 Sport and Special Event Risk Management and Planning course #78399. Show lessThe purpose of this course is to develop capabilities for multi-agency collaboration pertaining to sport and special event safety and
security. Through activity-based training modules, participants will enhance
their ability for planning, risk assessment, training, and exercising… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | LAW | Learn More about Sport and Special Event Risk Management and Planning |
Sports and Special Events Management | MGT304 | Sport and Special Event Staff Training and Development | This course is designed to provide participants with tools and methodologies for training and developing stakeholders assigned to and responsible for public safety at sporting and special events through comprehensively reviewing safety and security staffing challenges, whole community training requirements, and the management and continuous improvement of sport and special event training programs. The training is applicable across the United States regardless of the venue size, capacity, or type of event.This course was developed in a partnership effort between the University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC). Show lessThis course is designed to provide participants with tools and methodologies for training and developing stakeholders assigned to and responsible for public safety at sporting and special events through comprehensively reviewing safety and security staffing challenges, whole community training… Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | NERRTC | Learn More about Sport and Special Event Staff Training and Development |
Sports and Special Events Management | MGT466 | Sport and Special Event Enhanced Risk Management and Assessment | This course provides participants with tools and methodologies for conducting venue-specific and event-specific risk assessments. In the course, participants will utilize assessment outputs to make risk mitigation decisions and determine how to measure the effectiveness of decision-making. This innovative training will introduce methodologies designed to complement and expand on national critical infrastructure framework guidelines. The interdisciplinary course stresses the importance of leveraging and applying proven practices to a wide-range of sport and special event safety and security risks.
This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC).
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT466 course #78054. Show lessThis course provides participants with tools and methodologies for conducting venue-specific and event-specific risk assessments. In the course, participants will utilize assessment outputs to make risk mitigation decisions and determine how to measure the effectiveness of decision-making…. Show more | DHS/FEMA Face-to-Face | NERRTC | Learn More about Sport and Special Event Enhanced Risk Management and Assessment |
Transportation and Highway Safety | DOT501 | Hazardous Materials Instructor Training | The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) under the Department of Transportation requires that Hazmat Employers* train all Hazmat Employees** within 90 days of starting in the position and conduct recurrent training every three years thereafter. The Hazardous Materials Transportation Train the Trainer course, offered at no-cost, is designed for personnel who will be preparing and conducting this training. Course participants will learn applicable PHMSA requirements as well as principles of adult education and effective instructional design. In addition, participants will learn how to develop a systematic training program to ensure that hazmat employees are trained in the five areas required by 49 CFR 72 Subpart H: General awareness/familiarization, Function-specific, Safety, Security awareness, and In-Depth security.* Hazmat Employer: a person who uses one or more employees regarding: transporting hazmat in commerce; causing hazmat to be transported or shipped in commerce; or designing, manufacturing, fabricating, inspecting, representing, marking, certifying, selling, offering, reconditioning, testing, repairing, or modifying packaging as qualified for use in the transportation of hazmat.** Hazmat Employee: a person employed by a hazmat employer, or person who is self-employed, and who directly affects hazmat transportation safety including: an owner-operator of a motor vehicle that transports hazmat; a person who: loads, unloads, or handles hazmat; designs, manufactures, fabricates, inspects, tests, reconditions, repairs, modifies, marks, or otherwise represents packaging as qualified for use in the transportation of hazmat; prepares hazmat for transportation; is responsible for safety of transporting hazmat; or operates a vehicle used to transport hazmat. Show lessThe Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) under the Department of Transportation requires that Hazmat Employers* train all Hazmat Employees** within 90 days of starting in the position and conduct recurrent training every three years thereafter. The Hazardous… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Hazardous Materials Instructor Training |
Transportation and Highway Safety | HWS002 | Work Zone Traffic Control | The Work Zone Traffic Control course provides participants with best practices training specific to work zone traffic controls using the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and all related Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) standards. During the course, participants are provided proper traffic control set up procedures along with all related safety measure requirements necessary to reduce risks associated with work on or near roadways. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. Show lessThe Work Zone Traffic Control course provides participants with best practices training specific to work zone traffic controls using the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and all related Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) standards. During the course, participants are… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Work Zone Traffic Control |
Transportation and Highway Safety | HWS005 | Work Zone Traffic Control Refresher (Open Enrollment) | The Work Zone Traffic Control Refresher course provides participants with new and updated information surrounding work zone traffic control standards. During training, students are provided information surrounding new devices for use when working a traffic control site as well as set up recommendations for improved access by both motorists and road workers. During the course, instructors lead discussions and scenario setting exercises specific to common highway projects administered by Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Show lessThe Work Zone Traffic Control Refresher course provides participants with new and updated information surrounding work zone traffic control standards. During training, students are provided information surrounding new devices for use when working a traffic control site as well as set up… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Work Zone Traffic Control Refresher (Open Enrollment) |
Transportation and Highway Safety | HWS410 | Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person | The Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person course provides managers and supervisors responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on State-owned roadways with required training recognized by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The course provides TxDOT compliant training in basic work zone traffic control set-up and covers the importance of complying with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and all relative TxDOT standards. Training is valid for 4 years from the date of completion. Show lessThe Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person course provides managers and supervisors responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on State-owned roadways with required training recognized by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The course… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Work Zone Traffic Control for Contractor’s Responsible Person |
Transportation and Highway Safety | HWS415 | Refresher Course for Contractor’s Responsible Person | TxDOT has recognized the need to require a refresher course for those managers and supervisors who are designated as contractor’s responsible person (CRP) or alternate CRP and are responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on state-owned roadways. The Refresher Course for Contractor’s Responsible Person (HWS415) provides a review of TxDOT-compliant training in basic work zone traffic control setup and maintenance for CRPs. The participant will receive refresher training on the importance of complying with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and updates on all relative TxDOT standards that apply to TxDOT roadways, including the Interstate System. Show lessTxDOT has recognized the need to require a refresher course for those managers and supervisors who are designated as contractor’s responsible person (CRP) or alternate CRP and are responsible for setting up and operating construction work zones on state-owned roadways. The Refresher Course for… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Refresher Course for Contractor’s Responsible Person |
Water/Wastewater | SAF217 | Excavation Safety | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License
The Excavation Safety course focuses on the OSHA Standard for Excavation, 29 CFR 1926, 650-652 and provides the formal training required for an experienced professional to act as the “competent person” or one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them during excavation operations. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License
The Excavation Safety course focuses on the OSHA Standard for… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Excavation Safety |
Water/Wastewater | WWW001 | Basic Water Works Operations | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator LicenseBasic Water Works Operations is designed to provide an overview of water utility system responsibilities, public relations, water quality, production, disinfection, distribution, and water utility safety. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator LicenseBasic Water Works Operations is designed to provide an overview of water utility system… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Basic Water Works Operations |
Water/Wastewater | WWW002 | Groundwater Production | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
Groundwater Production is designed to provide an overview of the origins and sources of groundwater, its physical and chemical characteristics as well as treatment protocols. In addition to these topics, students will discuss considerations for well location, construction issues, and factors related to spring-fed systems versus aquifers. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
Groundwater Production is designed to provide an overview of the origins and sources of… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Groundwater Production |
Water/Wastewater | WWW003 | Water Distribution | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Water Distribution course provides students with training approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) from industry professionals ranging from water distribution system hydraulics, mains, and valves to hydrants, pumps, motors, and maintenance issues associated with overall water systems. Participants also receive a refresher surrounding water distribution systems, sources, and specific characteristics of water. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Water Distribution course provides students with training approved by the Texas Commission… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Water Distribution |
Water/Wastewater | WWW004 | Surface Water Production I | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 24 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Surface Water Production I course utilizes industry professionals to provide information specific to water treatment for public consumption approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Training provided covers water taste and odor considerations, iron and manganese removal, and special water treatment processes. Participants also receive information necessary to become familiar with filtration principles, to include filter types, media, operation, and maintenance. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 24 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Surface Water Production I course utilizes industry professionals to provide information… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Surface Water Production I |
Water/Wastewater | WWW006 | Water Laboratory | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Water Laboratory course provides professionals with responsibility for conducting water sample testing in a lab environment with industry standards and best practices as determined through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). During the course participants are required to demonstrate the proper use of all equipment in a lab setting, successfully applying all related safety protocols. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Water Laboratory course provides professionals with responsibility for conducting water… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Water Laboratory |
Water/Wastewater | WWW007 | Water Technology | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 40 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Water Technology course helps participants better prepare for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Class A water exam and provides each with operational guidance associated with construction and maintenance of water systems. During the course, participants are provided best practices surrounding the quality control of raw water for lab technicians and plant operators. Training provided covers industry-wide issues such as bacteriology of water, raw water quality and pretreatment, water storage, and water distribution. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 40 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Water Technology course helps participants better prepare for the Texas Commission on… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Water Technology |
Water/Wastewater | WWW013 | Surface Water Production II | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Surface Water Production II course provides participants with in-depth problem-solving opportunities specific to the six steps of production; mixing, flocculation, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. Through highly qualified and licensed instructors, participants will expand their understanding of the chemistry involved in the disinfection of water and special treatment processes for taste and odor, water stabilization, and the associated issues related to the Surface Water Treatment Rule. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Surface Water Production II course provides participants with in-depth problem-solving… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Surface Water Production II |
Water/Wastewater | WWW019 | Customer Service Inspector/Cross Connection Control | The Customer Service Inspector/Cross Connection Control course is primarily designed to provide the necessary training for individuals who have met the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality requirements and wish to obtain a customer service inspector license. The holder of the customer service inspector license may perform a Customer Service Inspection (CSI) as outlined by the rules and regulations provided by the TCEQ. Other licensed individuals may also receive valuable information relating to their field. The participant, during this course, will gain the necessary information and understanding of the federal, state, and local rules and regulations as they pertain to the Customer Service Inspector (CSI), Plumbing Inspector, Water Supply Protection Specialist (WSPS), Water Purveyor, and Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester (BPAT). During this course, the participant will learn how to find and eliminate cross-connections. The participant will also learn ways to identify water piping, solder, and flux that exceed the allowable lead (Pb) limits, as set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the TCEQ. The participant will also learn the proper installation and application of Backflow Prevention Assemblies. Show lessThe Customer Service Inspector/Cross Connection Control course is primarily designed to provide the necessary training for individuals who have met the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality requirements and wish to obtain a customer service inspector license. The holder of the customer… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Customer Service Inspector/Cross Connection Control |
Water/Wastewater | WWW101 | Basic Wastewater Operations | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseThe Basic Wastewater Operations course provides participants with an introduction to wastewater collection and treatment along with a brief review of the water cycle. The course covers sources and pretreatment of domestic waste as well as characteristics of wastewater. Experienced trainers guide the class through best practices and related standards utilizing classroom discussion and cover all associated laws specific to wastewater. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseThe Basic Wastewater Operations course provides participants with an introduction to… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Basic Wastewater Operations |
Water/Wastewater | WWW102 | Wastewater Treatment | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Wastewater Treatment course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining wastewater treatment plants, emphasizing the use of safe practices and procedures. In addition to the information provided about state requirements, participants will learn about the composition and characteristics of wastewater, secondary treatment processes, disinfection of wastewater, and laboratory controls. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Wastewater Treatment course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Wastewater Treatment |
Water/Wastewater | WWW103 | Wastewater Collection | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Wastewater Collection course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining a wastewater collection system. This course includes instruction in the importance of wastewater collection. During the course, participants learn the regulatory requirements of collection systems and collection system design parameters. Students also learn about the construction of a collection system, the use of lift stations, basic maintenance and operational procedures, industrial waste monitoring, collection system management and solving problems utilizing wastewater collection calculations. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Wastewater Collection course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining a… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Wastewater Collection |
Water/Wastewater | WWW104 | Operation of Activated Sludge Plants | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Operation of Activated Sludge Plants course covers the fundamentals of biological treatments, the suspended growth process, and activated sludge processes. Also covered during this training is sludge quality indicators and process control indicators. Attendees also receive information designed to help each have a better understanding of plant observations, a return sludge flow control strategy, sludge wasting controls and a dissolved oxygen control strategy. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Operation of Activated Sludge Plants course covers the fundamentals of biological… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Operation of Activated Sludge Plants |
Water/Wastewater | WWW105 | Wastewater Laboratory | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Wastewater Laboratory course provides participants with crucial information specific to the production of reliable data linked to the validity of analytical laboratory and field information gathered during departmental wastewater pollution control activities. The course familiarizes participants with standard wastewater test procedures conducted in a laboratory, such as dissolved oxygen, pH, biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, ammonia nitrogen, and chlorine residuals. Participants will also learn to record and report results of each analysis required by the state and federal agencies for wastewater analysis. In addition, participants will learn about various types of laboratory equipment and safety concerns associated with a wastewater lab. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Wastewater Laboratory course provides participants with crucial information specific… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Wastewater Laboratory |
Water/Wastewater | WWW115 | Industrial Pretreatment | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Industrial Pretreatment course provides participants with knowledge specific to industrial wastewater pretreatment procedures. During the course, students are introduced to procedures designed to control, reduce, and prevent potentially harmful pollutants from entering both wastewater and stormwater collection systems. Students also explore aspects surrounding the prevention of non-domestic waste from entering Publically Owned Treatment Works (POTW) systems. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Industrial Pretreatment course provides participants with knowledge specific to… Show more | Face-to-Face | ITSI | Learn More about Industrial Pretreatment |
Water/Wastewater | WWW200 | Water Utilities Calculations | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License
The Water Utilities Calculations course provides participants with fundamentals surrounding the determination of flow level formulas, area and volume calculations, as well as water and wastewater treatment plant calculations. During the course, students are led through the basic steps required to determine these calculations and apply each to an overall system protocol linked to best practices reporting. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License
The Water Utilities Calculations course provides participants… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Water Utilities Calculations |
Water/Wastewater | WWW201 | Water Utilities Safety | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill the listed credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Onsite Sewage Facility Operator License (8 Hours)- Wastewater Operator License (20 Hours)- Water Operator License (20 Hours) The Water Utilities Safety course provides students with important information specific to confined spaces, proper personal protective equipment, and biological and chemical safety issues. Additionally, participants are guided through proper procedures associated with excavating and trenching, electrical safety, work site protection, safe vehicle operation, first aid safety tips, and best practices associated with a successful safety program. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill the listed credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Onsite Sewage Facility Operator License (8 Hours)- Wastewater Operator License (20 Hours)- Water Operator… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Water Utilities Safety |
Water/Wastewater | WWW204 | Chlorinator Maintenance | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License
The Chlorinator Maintenance course provides participants with widely used safety practices for all types of chlorine as well as the proper operation and maintenance of chlorinators. During the course, participants learn both common terminology and basic properties of chlorine, as well as its purpose, use safety, principles, and troubleshooting for multiple systems. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License
The Chlorinator Maintenance course provides participants with… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Chlorinator Maintenance |
Water/Wastewater | WWW212 | Applied Confined Space Safety | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License
What are the characteristics of confined space fatalities? What are the regulations regarding confined space entry? What permits are required for confined space entry, and what hazards are involved in entering a confined space? WWW212 Applied Confined Space Entry provides crucial life-saving information surrounding the identification and characteristics of confined space dangers and other associated hazards. During the course, students will review several case studies surrounding confined space regulations specific to the water andwastewater industry. The course is based on the 29 CFR Part 1910.146 OSHA regulations. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License
What are the characteristics of confined space fatalities? What are… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Applied Confined Space Safety |
Water/Wastewater | WWW217 | Excavation Safety | The Excavation Safety course focuses on the OSHA Standard for Excavation, 29 CFR 1926, 650-652 and provides the formal training required for an experienced professional to act as the “competent person” or one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them during excavation operations. Show lessThe Excavation Safety course focuses on the OSHA Standard for Excavation, 29 CFR 1926, 650-652 and provides the formal training required for an experienced professional to act as the “competent person” or one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings,… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Excavation Safety |
Water/Wastewater | WWW280 | Water Utilities Management | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License
The Water Utilities Management course provides students with information surrounding proper management of water and wastewater systems. During the course, participants will be led through planning, organization, and recordkeeping practices determined critical in all areas of utility management. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License
The Water Utilities Management course provides students with… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about Water Utilities Management |
Water/Wastewater | WWW302 | OSSF – Installer I | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 16 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Onsite Sewage Facility Operator License
The OSSF – Installer I course not only prepares students to sit for the On-Site Sewage Facilities Installer I license exam, it provides participants with the fundamentals surrounding proper installation, design, and operation of residential and commercial Installer I level on-site sewage facilities (OSSF). Once students successfully complete the course, they may apply directly with TCEQ to take the licensing examination at either a TCEQ Regional Office or at an approved Computer Based Testing (CBT) Center. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 16 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Onsite Sewage Facility Operator License
The OSSF – Installer I course not only prepares students to sit for the… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about OSSF – Installer I |
Water/Wastewater | WWW305 | OSSF – Designated Representative | **PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 24 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Onsite Sewage Facility Operator License
The OSSF – Designated Representative course not only prepares local government personnel to enforce TCEQ OSSF rules and regulations in coordination with the commission, participants also receive information specific to the proper design, construction, and operation of multiple on-site sewage disposal systems along with best practices linked to the proper response to complaint calls. Once students successfully complete the course, they may apply directly with TCEQ to take the licensing examination at either a TCEQ Regional Office or at an approved Computer Based Testing (CBT) Center. Special Note: Beginning September 1, 2020 TEEX will no longer administer the OSSF Designated Representative paper-based exam. After September 1, 2020 the Designated Representative exam will be available through CBT – see WWW901 for more details. Show less**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 24 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Onsite Sewage Facility Operator License
The OSSF – Designated Representative course not only prepares local government… Show more | Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led | ITSI | Learn More about OSSF – Designated Representative |